Join us at the new edition of Mikser Design Market “Winter Wonderland” , which will be held on Sunday, December 24, from 11 to 18 in Mikser House (Kolodvorska 12).
The time of the holiday is approaching, the time when gifts are being bought and love spread. Treat your pearls and your loved ones with a special posture, but do not forget about yourself.
The special edition of the Winter Wonderland brand is dedicated to winter, snow, winter joys and festive atmosphere! All those who come to Mikser House on December 23 will be able to participate in various workshops and enjoy the performances and interesting performances within our program part.
We invite everyone who enjoys winter and winter joys to join us and enjoy all the charm that our winter brings.
Anyone wishing to participate in the Mikser Design Market “Winter Wonderland” can send an application by December 20 at: Application should include: Subject: Application for Design market “Winter Wonderland”
the name of the exhibitor, the name of the study, the brand or the product line, the contact telephone, a short description of the products to be exhibited, e mail address, web address or FB link link (if any).
Mikser House will provide all exhibitors with an average size of 1m x 0,8m, and the registration fee for the Mixer Design market is 50KM.