“Feathers, apples and grain salt – Christmas jewelry from the fundament of the Zagreb Ethnographic Museum”
An exhibition featuring Christmas jewelery fundamentals of the Ethnographic Museum dates back to the late 19th and 20th centuries, while the idea is to present its species, ways of making and decorating it. Various materials such as feathers, apples, salt, paper, nuts, metals, glass and plastic were used to make these decorations. The name of the exhibition is inspired by the diversity of materials.
We present to visitors the ornaments divided into two large groups, the jewelry made at home for personal use and the series designed for sale.
The socioeconomic aspect of Christmas jewelry will be emphasized in the exhibition. Molds are not just decorative – they reflect the time they were made, the techniques of making and the stories that tied them up.
Interestingly, landscaping customs will also be discussed. Was the greenery just a decoration or did it have a certain apotrope function that disappeared over time? What was the symbolic role of greenery and when it became exclusively decorative?
The exhibition will stimulate the question of the age of tradition we know today.
The exhibition runs from 28 November 2017 to 28 January 2018.