Conceived as a public awareness and educational event that incorporates a drone race, “Game of Drones” will be an all day event for the whole family, as well as drone enthusiasts; and even those who know nothing of the technology.
The whole day event (11 am – 10 pm) will consist of a couple of simulators as well as a “Tiny Whoop” size beginners course designed for walk-in novices, children and other first-timers.
Further, we will be coordinating with the ‘Directorate for Civil Aviation’ so as to offer them an opportunity to spread public awareness with regards to drone safety regulations.
Considering the event is a collaboration of two drone pilot groups as well as the ‘Civil Association of Model Drone Pilots’ there will be a great variety of drones, FPV planes, and other remote controlled hobby items on display.
Finally, the main attraction will consist of a “Tiny Whoop” (ten gate) track for the intermediate and more advanced pilots to compete and ideally win prizes.
Entrance is FREE !!!