Hestia Art Residency and Exhibitions Bureau is pleased to invite you to projections of the video works by Louis-Cyprien Rials, the first artist in the Hestia Residential Program. This film projection serves as an opportunity to get to know the artist better, but also as an overture for his solo exhibition “Imagine Invisible” whose opening is scheduled for February 24, 2018
Since 2011, Louis Cyprien has created video works in a simple, but also radical way. By setting his camera’s lens in internationally unrecognized regions, in countries affected by war or in closed regions (which he sees as compulsory natural parks), the artist provides us with documentation of his obsession with conflicts, mythology, archeology, culture and religion. Louis-Cyprien Rials collaborates with musician Romain Poirier from his first film, sometimes creating images that accompany powerful and natural sounds, or, on the contrary, giving space with melancholic compositions or dystopian melodies to initiate contemplation.
Within the film program, the following short films will be shown:
1 – Cathedral – Adhan (KKTC – 3min 10)
2 – 3 Zones 8 (Ukraine, Cyprus, Karabagh – 17min 40)
2 – Nessuno (Spain – Desert Trilogy I – 16min 40)
3 – Dilmun Highway (Bahrain – Desert Trilogy II – 15 min 40)
4 – Me, Me, Tekel, Upharsin (Iraq – Desert Trilogy III – 5min 55)
5 – Voyage en Chine (9 min)
6 – Résistance (Lithuania – Lebanon – 5 min 30)
Hestia Art Residency and Exhibitions Bureau invites you to a screening of video works by Louis-Cyprien Rials, our resident artist. This film screening serves as a good opportunity to get to know the artist’s work and as a good introduction to his exhibition “Apprehending the Invisible” that will be shown on February 24th. at Hestia.
Since 2011, Louis-Cyprien Rials has developed video projects in both the simplest and most radical way possible. Placing his camera across different internationally unrecognized territories, the artist gives us a document of his obsession for conflicts, mythology, archeology, the clash of cultures and religions, in countries of war and closed off areas (which he sees as involuntary natural parks). Working with musician Romain Poirier since his first film, he sometimes delivers images with raw and natural sounds, or on the contrary, he gives space to music for melancholic compositions or powerful dystopian melodies inciting a contemplative gaze