Slatki Delikatesni ponedeljak uz Super Bake, 27.11. KC Grad
We are pleased to invite you to the first Super Bake Poslastičarnica promotional event.
Super Bake is an initiative for opening a cake shop were senior ladies, or grandmas (bake means grandmas in Serbian), will work.
The idea is to create an opportunity and environment in which senior ladies would work part-time through a self-sustainable social enterprise project. That way they would have a specially tailored setting for making extra income in addition to modest pensions, as well as an occasion to enrich their social lives.
In support of realizing this idea we will soon start a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.
Delicacy Monday is going to be a chance to meet and hang out with Super Bake grannies, get more info about the project, try some of our cakes as well as support this campaign.