[:en]Wool painting 09.06.2018.Valdorf Pedagogy

[:en]Wool painting 09.06.2018.Valdorf Pedagogy
Miloja Zakića 21, Beograd

Workshop: Filling soap and making a picture of wool
Technique: wet rush

  1. With the spring and waking of nature, and in us there are images and the need for creation. Were you wondering when we would paint again with a wool? You also came to these days 🙂 We invite you to a full-day workshop of drawing wool paintings by a wet canyon technique. The workshop is adapted to those who have never been trained, and those who already know that you always expect something new in meeting your wool. This time, we will introduce an introduction to the wetness technique, before making the image itself, experience through the release of soap. Leave the fats and creative forces springing at will and you will surely take the house along with the original soap and picture, a wonderful experience and a little refresh;)
    The program:
    10-11 Introductory lecture
    11-11: 15 Break
    11:15 – 12:30 Soap dispensing
    12:30 – 13 Creating a sketch for an image and an introduction to wool painting
    13-14 Lunch
    14-17 Wine painting
    Workshop price 2000 rsd
    Registration on phone 060 3557 818 or mail postaza.anu@gmail.com
    Note: You need to bring home shoes 🙂 and the number of places is limited!


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