Workshop of comic and clown techniques 01 – 03.12.2017. DZIU Medika
A three-day workshop led by Ivo Peter-Dragan and Nikoline Majdak will discuss several approaches to the world of clowns and its implementation potential, through creative warming techniques, exploring the possibilities of bodies and movements in the world of comedy, play, improvisation and theory.
It is necessary to bring warm and comfortable working clothes (preferably footwear).
The price of the workshop is 350kn.
Venue: Performing Arts Hall, AKC Medika, Pierottijeva 11, Zagreb.
Time: 1.12. – 12/3/2017. (Friday 04pm-08pm, Saturday 12pm-04pm, Sunday 12pm-04pm)
The workshop is being held within the project KLAUNSKA PLATFORME 2017
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