Go2 Halloween XII – Good Bad Evil 31.10.2019. Drugstore

Go2 Halloween XII – Good Bad Evil 31.10.2019. Drugstore
Drugstore Belgrade, Bulevar despota Stefana, Belgrade, Serbia
Twelfth edition of the famous Halloween party whose theme this year is: Halloween XII – Good. Bad. Alas.

⬛ October 31, DRUGSTORE ⬛
Halloween is an authentic party, which has been gathering thousands of costumed creatives for eleven years, who let their imaginations come to light once a year and put on (or take off) their masks for the first time as part of this event.
During these twelve years you have had the opportunity to hear numerous DJs, domestic and foreign, in venues such as Guarnerius, KPGT, Geozavod building, Depot warehouse, Belgrade Youth Center, BelExpo Center, Mikser House, as well as in clubs last year. Drugstore Belgrade and Factory. In 2011, Go2 decided to further “spice up” the party with topics that further evoked the original spirit of Halloween itself and its visualization. You could experience being a vampire within the party of the same name “Vampires” and “Resident Evil”, swimming in blood puddles on “Bloody Saturday”, wandering “The Forest of Fear”, choosing your sin on “7 Deadly Sins” or deciding which you belong to the circle, whether in Paradise, Hell, or Chilishte, at the foretelling of Dante’s “Divine Comedy.” After last year’s Truth or Challenge game, this year we are ready to show who is good, bad and who is evil. It’s up to you to choose.


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