little sister of a cult Drugstore club with a fine selection of its artists friends.
Lifecutter will create a specific set for Dim, trying to calm his endless evolving industrial beats into an ambient set, while Zergon will dissect us with the newly prepared modular synth set – sharp as a skalpel blade. Tuum, known for his eclectic mystic rhythms will continue the night into smokey grooves.
SONICA is Ljubljana based festival of contemporary electronic music as well as sound and experimental art curated by MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art. Its experimental nature questions exhibition and staging formats, crossing borders between art and theory, object and performance.
For this occasion SONICA has invited three artists to perform at Dim.
Zergon LIVE (Ljubljana)
Lifecutter LIVE (Ljubljana)
TUUM Dj set (Portals Editions, Berlin)
Zergon is a DJ, producer and sound artist from Ljubljana. A member of Synaptic Crew, who also works in the field of audiovisual performances and in the vast field of DIY electronics. He’s interested in club music as well as in sonic explorations and audiovisual experimentations, with sounds ranging from deep house and techno to IDM, noise and abstract drone music. His live performance is based on improvisation – live sequencing of rhythmic and melodic patterns, shaping the sound of rhythmic elements, creating and shaping sounds on synthesizers, playing effects, mixing musical elements and field recordings.
The man behind Lifecutter is Domen Učakar, whose musical career appears certainly comfortable in being fed by the multiplicity of inputs belonging to the experimentation of different music genres. Since very young he’s been often on the road playing bass guitar with many local hardcore punk bands, experience that brought him into the Indie Rock project “Icarus Down”, while at same time he was also songwriting for the Electro-Pop “Neon Spektra” project. Versatility seems one of his strength points, as shown by the collaboration with his longtime friend Neven M. Agalma, evolved in the kicking and screaming noise duo “Ontervjabbit”.
TUUM is Brandon Rosenbluth, half of the shamanic electronics duo Shaddah Tuum and co-founder of the Berlin-based avant label collective Portals Editions. TUUM DJ sets are a total immersion in alternate realities of sound, body and mind. Psychonauts welcome.