Exposed – Dj Shustera 21.11.2017.2017. Papalada at Gotik

Exposed – Dj Shustera 21.11.2017.2017. Papalada at Gotik
Karadjordjeva 2-4, Beograd

Music / Dj Shustera
Prodajna izložba u Papalada at Gotik:

Tamara Miladinovic
Etera Jewelryje brend rođen iz žudnje za buđenjem – žudnje za životom u skladu sa velikom istinom – mi smo tvorci naše sudbine. Ona je tu da nas podseti na naš odnos prema sebi, na žudnju našeg srca. Izražava se kroz ručno stvoren nakit sazdan od elemenata iz prirode – perja i kristala. Posvećena je svim boginjama savremenog doba.

Quetzalcoatl Wear
Quetzalcoatl Wear is a brand of unique and exclusive leather ethnic tribal clothing and accessories.
All our creations are 100% natural and organic handmade piece’s made with love, governed by cosmic energy and inspiration. Most of the leather used is vegetable dyed leather and all our creations are hand stitched with high quality waxed threads.
Inspiration for our label came from native, tribal and ethnic fashion as well as Hippie & Bohemian lifestyle.

Jane Doe
Jane Doe je concept store – radnja u kojoj mozete naci unikatne vintage komade, kao i radove mladih dizajnera iz Srbije i regiona. Jane Doe takodje ima svoju kolekciju nakita i garderobe. Vintage i Dizajn radnje se nalaze na Dorcolu – Kapetan Misina 17.
Ovom prilikom izlazemo nasu kolekciju nakita, izradjenog od pronadjenog materijala iz prirode (kamen, skoljke, drvo..) u kombinaciji sa segmentima starog recikliranog nakita. Slogan kolekcije Jane Doe nakita: ,, Made by nature, assambled by Jane Doe “.Analogne fotografije, mali formati, selekcija radova iz nekoliko projekata. Autor: Bojana Bo
Facebook: JaneDoe-DESIGN STORE i JaneDoe VintageShop i Jane Doe Jewelry & Clothes
Instagram: @janedoeshop

Wolf & Chain se bavi ručnom izradom nakita u Beogradu od 2015. U pitanju su unikatne narukvice i ogrlice dizajnirane i pravljene od kože, metala, drveta, i ostalih prirodnih materijala. U dizajnu Wolf & Chain nakita mogu da se vide uticaju Afričkih plemenskih nosšnja, minimalizma, „boho“ stila. Trenutno naši proizvodi mogu da se kupe u galeriji Portofino 1989, i u Jane Doe Shop-u.
Instagram: / Dj Shuster
Sales Exhibit at Papalada at Gotik:

Tamara Miladinovic
Etera Jewelry is a brand born of the desire to awaken – a desire for life in harmony with the great truth – we are the creators of our destiny. It is here to remind us of our relationship with ourselves, the craving of our heart. It is expressed through handmade jewelry made of natural elements – feathers and crystals. It is devoted to all the goddesses of the modern age.

Quetzalcoatl Wear
Quetzalcoatl Wear is a brand of unique and exclusive leather ethnic tribal clothing and accessories.
All our creations are 100% natural and organic handmade pieces made with love, governed by cosmic energy and inspiration. Most of the leather used is vegetable dyed leather and all our creations are hand stitched with high quality waxed threads.
Inspiration for our label came from native, tribal and ethnic fashion as well as Hippie & Bohemian lifestyle.

Jane Doe
Jane Doe is a concept store where you can find unique vintage pieces as well as works by young designers from Serbia and the region. Jane Doe also has her collection of jewelry and wardrobe. Vintage and Design Designs are on Dorcol – Captain Misina 17.
On this occasion, we come out of our collection of jewelry, made from found material from nature (stone, shells, wood ..) in combination with segments of old recycled jewelry. Jane Doe jewelery slogan: „Made by nature assambled by Jane Doe“. Anagrams of photographs, small formats, selection of works from several projects. Author: Bojana Bo
Facebook: JaneDoe-DESIGN STORE and JaneDoe VintageShop and Jane Doe Jewelry & Clothes
Instagram: @janedoeshop

Wolf & Chain
Wolf & Chain is a handmade jewelry maker in Belgrade since 2015. These are unique bracelets and necklaces designed and made of leather, metal, wood and other natural materials. In the Wolf & Chain jewelery design you can see the influence of African tribal wear, minimalism, „boho“ style. Currently our products can be bought at the Portofino Gallery 1989 and at the Jane Doe Shop.


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