Fantastična čitaonica: Podzemna železnica 27.11.2017. Dom omladine

Fantastična čitaonica: Podzemna železnica 27.11.2017. Dom omladine
Dom omladine, Beograd

Fantastična čitaonica: Podzemna železnica, Ponedeljak u 19h/21h

Kolson Vajthed je zanimljiva ličnost. Dobitnik je stipendije Makartur, nagrade fondacije Gugenhajm, i autor šest romana. Prvim romanom The Intuitionist iz 1999. započinje istraživanje rasnih problema koristeći blage fantazijske motive. Sledeći, John Henry Days iz 2001 je istorijski roman o Džonu Henriju i njegovom nadmetanju do smrti od iscrpljenosti protiv parne mašine za zakivanje, i izgradnji pruge; doneo mu je nominaciju za Pulicerovu nagradu. Apex Hides the Hurt iz 2006 pristupa nesvakidašnjem problemu: promeni imena jednog grada i proces koji do toga dovodi. Sag Harbor iz 2009 se bavi rasnim i klasnim problemima odrastanja u istoimenom gradu. Zone One iz 2011 je nesvakidašnja zombi postapokalipsa, hvaljena zbog svoje originalnosti.

Roman Podzemna železnica (Underground railroad, 2016) i doneo je Vajthedu „Pulicera“, kao i Nagradu Artur Č. Klark za najbolji naučnofanastični roman objavljen u Velikoj Britaniji. Žanrovski se može precizno odrediti kao alternativna istorija ali ćete ga naći na polici sa istorijskim romanima, iako je odmak od i tehnoloških dosega epohe i od ustanovljenih istorijskih događaja nemali. Spaja mnogo toga što smo videli u prethodnim romanima u jednu impozantnu celinu: rasnu tematiku, klasne sukobe, fanastični motiv koji funkcioniše o kao ovaploćena metafora i kao katalizator radnje koji dovodi do divergiranja od istorijskih događaja.

Roman je kod nas nedavno objavila „Laguna“:

Kora je robinja na plantaži pamuka u Džordžiji. Život je pakao svim robovima, no posebno je težak Kori. Odbačena čak i od svojih Afrikanaca, na pragu je zrelosti, gde je čekaju još veće muke. Kad joj Cezar, nedavno stigao iz Virdžinije, ispriča za podzemnu železnicu, njih dvoje reše da se izlože strašnoj opasnosti i pobegnu. Ne ide sve po planu – Kora ubija belog dečaka koji pokušava da je uhvati. Iako uspevaju da pronađu stanicu i odu na sever, potera ih goni.
Po Vajthedovoj genijalnoj zamisli, podzemna železnica nije samo metafora – mašinovođe i kondukteri rade u tajnoj mreži pruge i tunela pod južnjačkim tlom. Korina i Cezarova prva stanica je u Južnoj Karolini, u gradu koji im se isprva čini kao bezbedna luka. No ispod mirne površine krije se podmukao plan za crne žitelje. A što je još gore – za petama im je Ridžvej, zloglasni i neumoljivi lovac na robove. Primorana da ponovo beži, Kora kreće na mučno putovanje iz jedne u drugu državu u potrazi za pravom slobodom. Poput glavnog junaka Guliverovih putovanja, Kora se na svakoj deonici puta susreće s različitim svetovima – a njena je odiseja i kroz prostor i kroz vreme.
Vajthed je majstorski satkao sagu o Americi od brutalnog dovođenja Afrikanaca na njeno tlo do neostvarenih obećanja današnjice, briljantno dočaravajući neizrecive strahote crnaca iz vremena pre Građanskog rata. Podzemna železnica je u isti mah i priča o ženi nesalomive volje rešene da pobegne od užasa ropstva i bolno, moćno razmišljanje o prošlosti zajedničkoj svim Amerikancima.

Odlomak možete pročitati na sajtu Lagune:

Moderator: Bojan ButkovićFantastic Reading Room: Subway, Monday at 07 pm/ 09 pm

Colson Whitehead is an interesting person. He is awarded the Makartur Scholarship, the Guggenheim Foundation Prize, and the author of six novels. The first novel The Intuitionist of 1999 begins the study of racial problems using mild fantasy motives. Next, John Henry Days of 2001 is a historical novel about John Henry and his auction to the death of exhaustion against the steam icing machine, and the construction of the railroad; he received a nomination for the Pulitzer Prize. Apex Hides the Hurt from 2006 approaches the unusual problem: changing the name of a city and the process that brings it. Sag Harbor 2009 deals with racial and class issues of growing up in the city of the same name. Zone One of 2011 is an unusual zombie postapocalypse, praised for its originality.

Roman Underground Railway (2016) and brought to the Whitehead „Pulitzer“, as well as the Artur T Award. Clark for the best science fiction novel published in the UK. Žanrovski can be accurately determined as an alternative history but you will find it on the shelf with historical novels, although the departure from both the technological reach of the epoch and the established historical events are not. It connects much of what we have seen in previous novels into an impressive whole: racial thematic, class conflicts, a fanatic motif that functions as a metaphor and as a catalyst of action that leads to divergence from historical events.

Roman has recently published „Laguna“:

Bora is a slave in cotton plantation in Georgia. Life is hell with all slaves, but it’s particularly difficult for Cory. Rejected even by its Africans, it is at the threshold of maturity, where even more troubles are waiting. When Caesar, recently arrived from Virginia, told the subway, the two of them decided to expose themselves to terrible danger and escape. Do not do everything according to plan – Bark kills a white boy who is trying to catch her. Although they manage to find the station and go to the north, they chase them.
According to Whitehead’s ingenious idea, the subway is not just a metaphor – engineers and conductors work in a secret network of railroads and tunnels under the southern hemisphere. Korina and Caesar’s first station are in South Carolina, in the city that at first seems like a safe harbor. But under a quiet surface, a crumbling plan for black inhabitants was hiding. Worse still, Rihway is a notorious and irresistible slave hunter. Being forced to flee again, Bora moves on a painful journey from one country to another in search of real freedom. Like the main character of Guliver’s travels, Kora encounters different parts of the world on every part of the road – and her odyssey is through space and time.
Whitehead has mastered the saga of America from the brutal bringing of Africans on her soil to the unfulfilled promises of today, brilliantly conveying the inexpressible horror of the Negroes from the time before the Civil War. The subway is at the same time a story of a woman of insoluble willedness to escape the dread of slavery and a painful, powerful reflection on the past to a common all-Americans.

You can read the excerpt on the Laguna website:

Moderator: Bojan Butković


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