26. maja 2018. u subotu, u renoviranom prostoru restorana Plato na Studentskom trgu, dogodiće se festival tamjanike. Tačna lokacija je bivši klub Industrija koji je sada renoviran i potpuno spreman za ovakav događaj.
Ovaj festival je uvod u Nedelju Tamjanike koja bi trebalo da postane tradicija krajem maja svake godine, uz podršku i učešće svih koji se bave vinom ili vole vino.
Nedelja Tamjanike je akcija gde svi ugostitelji u svojim lokalima, kao i ostali koji žele širom zemlje i sveta, mogu promovisati vina od ove sorte tokom perioda od 26. maja do nedelje 3. juna 2018.
Na samom festivalu 26. maja ćemo okupiti što veći broj vinarija koje proizvode vina od naše najpopularnije sorte grožđa a posetioci će moći sve to da degustiraju kao i da glasaju za svoje omiljene.
Događaj se realizuje u saradnji sa Vino.rs
Uskoro više informacijaOn the 26th of May 2018, on the Saturday, in the renovated restaurant area of Plato at the Student Square, will be the festival of tamjanike. The exact location is the former Industry Club that is now renovated and fully prepared for this event.
This festival is an introduction to Sunday Tamjanica, which should become a tradition at the end of May every year, with the support and participation of all those who deal with wine or love wine.
The Sunday Tamjan is an action where all the locals in their locales, as well as others who want worldwide and the world, can promote wines from this variety during the period from 26 May to Sunday 3 June 2018.
At the festival, on 26 May, we will gather as many wineries as wines from our most popular grape variety, and visitors will be able to taste and vote for their favorite.
The event is realized in cooperation with Vino.rs