Kreativni glazbeni kolektiv je koncertni program koji se od 2018. počinje u suradnji s top listom Muzika je Zvonko Radost održavati jednom mjesečno u zagrebačkom Saxu s misijom predstavljanja mladih izvođača svih urbanih glazbenih usmjerenja! Čast da otvore ovogodišnji KGK serijal imaju dva mlada, perspektivna i već sad odlična benda: Fire In Cairo i Trophy Jump! Cijena karte je 20/30 kn, a info o pretprodaji stiže kroz nekoliko dana!
Fire in Cairo je četveročlani alternativni rock bend iz Zagreba. Opisuje ih čvrsta ritam sekcija, obojana gitarama i catchy pjevačkim refrenima. Svojim prepoznatljivim zvukom i energijom nikoga ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim.
Trophy Jump is punk rock band formed in 2014. in Long Beach, CA. A series of unfortunate events brought the guys to Zagreb, Croatia, where they are currently doing their shit with a huge help of their JeboTon friends. They’ve released their debut album „Depression Club“ on 25.12.2017. with which they plan to gather enough money and fame to go back to their beloved California.
* Organizatori Kreativnog glazbenog kolektiva su Mladi lavovi Hangtime Agencyja.The Creative Music Collectivist is a concert program that starts in 2018 with top list Music is held by Zvonko Radost once a month in Zagreb Saxo with the mission of presenting young performers of all urban musical orientations! The honor to open this year’s KGK series has two young, prospective and already excellent bands: Fire In Cairo and Trophy Jump! Ticket price is 20/30 kn, and pre-sale info is available for several days!
Fire in Cairo is a four-way alternative rock band from Zagreb. He describes them as a solid rhythm section, painted with guitars and catchy singing refrain. With its recognizable sound and energy, nobody leaves indifferent.
Trophy Jump is a punk rock band formed in 2014 in Long Beach, CA. A series of unfortunate events brought the boys to Zagreb, Croatia, where they are currently doing their shit with a huge help of their JeboTon friends. They’ve released their debut album „Depression Club“ on 25.12.2017. with which they plan to gather enough money and fame to go back to their beloved California.
* The organizers of the Creative Music Collector are Young Lions of the Hangtime Agency.