Girls, soothe the ear & the heart & the senses! 23.11.2017. Idiot bar

Girls, soothe the ear & the heart & the senses! 23.11.2017. Idiot bar
Dalmatinska 13, Beograd

Girls, soothe the ear & the heart & the senses!

Urbani saundskejp i muzike dugog trajanja, zaogrnuti elektronikom i osveženi talasom disko nostalgije, sintpop sa tračkom post-gender pristupa, all-girl bendovi u novom ključu, različiti remiksi, mashup-ovi, remake i cover verzije i re-verzije…sve iz ugla žena kao izvođačica, muzičarki, gospodarica nad tehnologijom. Muzičko veče sa neizvesnim ishodom, i sa konceptom moćnih ženskih glasova, onih iz grla kao i autorskih/saradničkih. Šetanje kroz žanrove, lične poetike i meridijane, a u plesnom i plešućem ključu. Susret teorije sa đuskanjem 🙂Girls, soothe the ear & the heart & the senses!

Urban sound and long-lasting music, fast-paced electronics and a refreshing wave of disco nostalgia, synpop with post-sex access, all-girl bands in the new key, various remix, mashups, remakes and cover versions and re-versions … all from the corner of women as a performer, a musician, a master of technology. A musical evening with an uncertain outcome, and with the concept of powerful female voices, those from the throat as well as the authors / collaborators. Walk through genres, personal poetics and meridians, and in a dance and dance key. The encounter of lazy theory 🙂


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