Pozivamo vas na prvu ikada na ovim prostorima dečiju predstavu irskog plesa u Kulturnom centru Vlade Divljan!
Posle plesnih predstava „Erindol“ i „Ritam Grada“, Erin’s Fiddle je odlučio da svoje umeće i ljubav prema irskom plesu podeli i sa najmlađima. Zato smo za njih, s ljubavlju, pripremili nešto potpuno drugačije!
Naši najmlađi plesači i plesačice će vas u četvrtak 21. decembra povesti na jednočasovnu avanturu i potragu za izgubljenim blagom. Uz pomoć mape, zlatne cipelice, prijateljstva i timskog duha posade jednog broda, mali fidlovci će pronaći kovčeg o kome im je pričala lepa Gatara. Predvođeni hrabrom kapetanicom, oni će se susresti sa raznim nezgodama i preprekama, boriće se sa strašnim odraslim ljudima i na kraju ipak doći do svog cilja… ili je to možda sve bio san?
Dođite da zajedno vidimo kako je izgledao taj bajkoviti put, dok uživamo u melodijama irskih pesama i ritmičnim udarcima cipelica.
Karte možete naći na svim prodajnim mestima Eventim-a.
Cena karata u pretprodaji je 300 RSD do 15.12, 350 RSD do 20.12, i 400 RSD na dan koncerta. Popust za grupe veće od 10 gledalaca je 250 RSD za svo vreme prodaje.
Realizaciju predstave je pomoglo Ministarstvo kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije.We invite you to the first ever children’s play of Irish dance in this region at the Culture center Vlada Divljan!
After the dance performances „Erindol“ and „The Rhythm of the City“, Erin’s Fiddle decided to share her skills and love for Irish dance with the youngest. That is why we prepared for them, with love, something completely different!
Our youngest dancers and dancers will take you on a one-hour adventure and search for lost goods on Thursday, December 21st. With the help of a map, golden shoes, friendship and team spirit of a crew of a ship, the little fiddlers will find a suitcase that was told by the beautiful Gatara. Led by a brave captain, they will encounter various incidents and obstacles, will fight with terrible adult people and ultimately reach their goal … or was it all a dream?
Come together to see how that fairy-tale way to look, while enjoying the melodies of Irish songs and rhythmic shocks of shoes.
You can find tickets at all Eventim outlets.
Pre-sale tickets are 300 RSD to 15.12, 350 RSD to 20.12, and 400 RSD per day of the concert. Discounts for groups of over 10 viewers are 250 RSD for all time sales.
The realization of the performance was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia.