Hand Made Festival se održava jednom mesečno na Dorćol Platz-u. Ovaj put vas očekujemo na desetom po redu, u nedelju, 21. januara, od 11 do 19h!
Ovo je prilika da kupite nešto autentično sebi, ili nekoj dragoj osobi, kao i da se upoznate sa hand made trendovima u gradu.
Festival je namenjen svim kreativcima, kao i onima koji uživaju u tuđoj kreativnosti. Otvaramo vrata svog prostora za sve one male proizvođače običnih i neobičnih predmeta kojima je jedna stvar zajednička – napravljene su ručno!
Očekujemo vas!Hand Made Festival is held once a month at Dorćol Platz. This time we are expecting you for the tenth, on Sunday, January 21, from 11 am to 7 pm!
This is an opportunity to buy something authentic to yourself or some dear person, as well as getting to know the hand trends in the city.
The festival is intended for all creators, as well as for those who enjoy other creativity. We open the doors of our space to all those small manufacturers of ordinary and unusual items that are one thing in common – they are made by hand!
We expect your!