Muzičar, tekstopisac, kompozitor, ali nadasve vrhunski pevač čiji neprolazni hitovi svaki put ispune dušu emocijom Haris Džinović, nastupiće na sceni Sava Centra gde će svoje druženje sa beogradskom publikom provesti uz pesme koje plene dušu i koje su ispunjene nabojom emocija.
Nјegov moćan glas decenijama očarava publiku. On je jedinstvena pojava na muzičkoj sceni – hit mejker, instrumentalista i pevač, čije pesme su “ušle u narod“. Uz njih se merači, raduje, tuguje, sanja, zalјublјuje, rastaje…
Prvi je umetnik sa ovih prostora koji je autentičnu cigansku muziku, jednostavnošću aranžmana i načinom izvođenja, približio narodu što se kasnije pretvorilo u opšti trend. Prodao je milionske tiraže i od Beograda do Zagreba napunio sve dvorane koje postoje.
Harisovim raskošnim glasom oduševlјavali su se svetski velikani: Monserat Kabalјe, Džordž Majkl, Elton Džon, Sting, Džeger, Džek Nikolson… a naša publika će imati priliku da na novogodišnjim koncertima uživa u Harisovom glasu i pesmama za srce i dušu.
Date 27 December 2017 20:00
Space Great Hall
Phone 011/220-6060
The musician, songwriter, composer, but above all the top singer whose impassioned hits fulfill the soul with the emotion Haris Džinović every time, will perform on the scene of the Sava Center where they will spend their gatherings with the Belgrade audience with songs that sweep the soul and which are filled with emotion.His powerful voice for decades has enchanted the audience. He is a unique phenomenon on the music scene – a hit maker, instrumentalist and singer, whose songs „entered the people“. With them, we measure, rejoice, grieve, dream, falls in love, grows …
The first is an artist from these spaces who brought authentic Gypsy music, the simplicity of the arrangement and the way of performing, to the people, which later turned into a general trend. He sold millions of magazines and filled all the halls that exist from Belgrade to Zagreb.
Harris’s lavish voice was delighted by the world’s greats: Monserat Caballes, George Michael, Elton John, Sting, Jagger, Jack Nicholson … and our audience will have the opportunity to enjoy Harris’s voice and songs for heart and soul at New Year’s concerts.