Projekcija na zidu: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983)
Najmoćniji čovek u univerzumu, zaštitnik Eternije i čuvar zamka Grayskull, sa svojim prijateljima, protiv sila zla koje predvodi Skeletor.
Sigurno se svi sećaju te crtane serije. Koja je zapravo nastala po uzoru na akcione figure (fun fact). Radnja se dešava na planeti prepunoj bodibildera u gaćicama 🙂 Svi smo imali svog omiljenog „mastersa“.
Obnova gradiva i evociranje uspomena iz detinjstva u utorak od 18h u bife VentilProjection on the Wall: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983)
The most powerful man in the universe, the protector of Eterniaum, and the keeper of the castle Grayskull, with his friends, against the evil of forces led by Skeletor.
Surely everyone remembers this cartoon series. Which actually was created by the model of fun figure. The action takes place on a planet full of bodybuilders in panties 🙂 We all had their favorite „master“.
Recovering material and evoking memories of childhood on Tuesday from 6 pm at bife Ventil.