Božidarac sa ponosom predstavlja novogodišnju žurku sa koncertom:
Rainmaker Iron Maiden Tribute
Black Metallica Tribute Band
A u medjuvremenu DJ Hellspawn i DJ Kedlavi
Karte u pretprodaji FELIX Shop, TC Sremska
* 100 karata – 800,00 dinara (promo cena)
* nakon toga cena karte 1.000,00 dinara
* 29. i 30. decembar – 1.200,00 dinara
RAINMAKER Iron Maiden Tribute dobro poznat Srpskoj publici. Kao i uvek bend vam sprema neverovatna iznenadjenja, i naravno čeličnog „vajba“. Svaki koncert kao događajj za pamćenje koji je kao motiv za naredno okupljanje, a Nova godina je definitivno povod za nikada glasniji SCREAM FOR ME BELGRADEEEEEEEE…
BLACK Metallica tribute iz Novog Sada, posle uspešne turneje po Balkanu, ovaj neverovatan tribute spreman je i ozbiljno naoštren za veoma metal novu godinu. Nizaće hitove za hitovima, rifove za rifovima i to prvi put u Beogradu… pokrijte uši jer biće GLASNOOOOO…
DJ Hellspawn i DJ Kedlavi – sada već prekaljeni DJ duo. Započeli su svoju saradnju pre okruglo 2 godine iz želje da urade neko veče za svoju dušu – i od tada su više puta pokazali da i te kako mogu da se rade metal žurke! Iza njih su brojni nastupi u KST-u, Vrotglavici, Drum-u… DJ Hellspawn i DJ Kedlavi vam poručuju: „Kao i uvek, i za Novu Godinu obećavamo ozbiljnu krljačinu!!!“
Božidarac, više od svega želi nezaboravnu novu godinu i dobar provod. Iz tog razloga klub zadržava standardne cene pića.
Karte u pretprodaji FELIX Shop, TC Sremska od 13.12.2017.godine.
* 100 karata – 800,00 dinara (promo cena)
* nakon toga cena karte 1.000,00 dinara
* 29. i 30. decembar – 1.200,00 dinara
* 31. decembar – 1.500,00 dinara
Božidarac is proud to present a New Year party with a concert:
Rainmaker Iron Maiden Tribute
Black Metallica Tribute Band
And in the meantime, DJ Hellspawnand DJ Kedlavi
Cards pre-sale FELIX Shop, TC Sremska
* 100 tickets – 800,00 dinars (promo price)
* After that the price of the card is 1.000,00 dinars
* December 29 and 30 – RSD 1,200.00
RAINMAKER Iron Maiden Tribute well known to the Serbian audience. As always, the band saves you incredible surprises, and of course a steel „scarf“. Every concert as a memory event that is a motive for the next gathering, and New Year is definitely a cause for never louder SCREAM FOR ME BELGRADEEEEEEEE …
BLACK Metallica tribute from Novi Sad, after a successful tour of the Balkans, this incredible tribute is ready and seriously sharpened for a very metallic new year. There will be hits for hits, riffs for riffs, and for the first time in Belgrade … cover your ears because it will be GLASNOOOOO …
DJ Hellspawn and DJ Kedlavi – now a DJ DJ. They started their cooperation two years ago from a desire to do something for their souls – and since then, they have repeatedly shown that you can also do metal parties! Behind them are numerous performances in KST, Vertigo, Drum … DJ Hellspawn and DJ Kedlavi tell you: „As always, and for the New Year, we promise a serious breeze !!!“
Božidarac, more than anything, wants an unforgettable new year and a good time. For this reason, the club retains standard prices for drinks.
Tickets pre-sale FELIX Shop, TC Sremska from 13.12.2017.
* 100 tickets – 800,00 dinars (promo price)
* After that the price of the card is 1.000,00 dinars
* December 29 and 30 – RSD 1,200.00
* December 31 – 1.500,00 dinars
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