Nakon 3 godine, 98 koncerata u 17 zemalja, objavljenog albuma i dva video spota, Holographic Human Element ponovo dolazi u CK13.
„O Holographic Human Elementu sam prvi put pisao još na starom blogu u ljeto 2015. kada su nastupili na osječkom UFO festivalu i oduvali sve oko sebe. U moru kojekakvih hard rock i metal bendova koji su te godine pronašli put do festivala izdvojili su se kao ronilačko odijelo na ambasadorskom prijemu i natjerali nas muzikoljupce da ostanemo paf. Instrumentalni rock, bez vokala, samo njih troje na sceni ali svirka toliko dobra, energična, poput lavine se obruši na tebe i pokopa te. Definitivno najbolji trenutak cijelog festivala.“ – Zli Hadžo
Pišući o albumu „Philophobia“ (Spona Records, 2017) kritičari pominju imena kao što su: Mike Oldfield, Pink Floyd, Enya, Mastodon, King Crimson, Mogwai, Godspeed! You Black Emperor, Mizar, Metallica; a završavaju sa: …. preuzeli su sve te uticaje i izrodili nešto stvarno posebno i istinski njihovo.
Karte za ovaj koncert će koštati 250 dinara. Kupovinom karata za koncerte u CK13 podržavate izdavače i nezavisnu muzičku scenu.After 3 years, 98 concerts in 17 countries, released album and two video clips, Holographic Human Element again comes to CK13.
„I wrote about Holographic Human Element for the first time on my old blog in the summer of 2015 when they performed at Oslo UFO Festival and swept everything around me. In the sea, any hard rock and metal bands that found the way to the festival that year were singled out as dancing suit at the ambassador’s reception and made us musicians to stay puffed. Instrumental rock, without vocals, only three of them on stage but a gig, so good, energetic, like an avalanche, collapses on you and buries you. Definitely the best moment of the entire festival. “ – Zli Hadžo
Writing about the album „Philophobia“ (Spona Records, 2017), critics mention names such as: Mike Oldfield, Pink Floyd, Enya, Mastodon, King Crimson, Mogwai, Godspeed! You Black Emperor, Mizar, Metallica; and they end up with: …. they took all of these influences and produced something really special and true.
The tickets for this concert will cost 250 dinars. By purchasing tickets for concerts in CK13, you are supporting the publishers and the independent music scene.