Beogradska koncertna promocija novog albuma „Sevengreen“ (Ammonite Records), legende domaće alternativne scene, Nemanje Kojića akaHornsman Coyote održaće se 29. decembra, u klubu Atom Akademija, sa početkom od 22h.
DJ support:
Gaggie – Roots Reggae
Gigatron Selecta – Jungle/Drum ‘n’ Bass
Cena karte u pretrpodaji iznosi 300 rsd, dok će cena karte na dan koncerta biti 400rsd.
Karte se mogu kupiti u klubu u sledećim terminima:
Od ponedeljka do petka od 8:30 do 16:30
Utorak od 20:00 do 00:00
Petak i subota od 20:00 do 03:00
Više informacija na 0631070871
DJ support:
Gaggie – Roots Reggae
Gigatron Selecta – Jungle / Drum ‘n’ Bass
The price of the transfer ticket is 300 rsd, while the price of the ticket on the day of the concert will be 400rsd.
Tickets can be purchased at the club in the following terms:
Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 16:30
Tuesday from 20:00 to 00:00
Friday and Saturday from 20:00 to 03:00
More information at 0631070871