U subotu na marini Sv. Nikola nastupa Hornsman Coyote Soundsystem!
Ko je bio prošli put zna da se ovakav događaj ne propušta! Dođite i osetite energiju „Sevengreen“ albuma, najboljeg do sada po mišljenju mnogih kritičara.
Cena karte u pretprodaji iznosi 300 rsd dok će na vratima upad koštati 400 rsd (kupovinom karte podržavate umetnike).
Karte možete kupiti kod nas u toku radnog vremena svakim danom od 09-02h
One love ✌🏾❤️😇On Saturday at the Sv. Nikola performs Hornsman Coyote Soundsystem!
The last time he knows that this kind of event is not missed! Come and feel the energy of „Sevengreen“ album, the best so far in the opinion of many critics.
The price of the pre-sold card is 300 rsd, while the price of the gate will cost 400 rsd (the purchase of the map is supported by artists).
You can buy tickets with us during business hours every day from 09-02h
One love ✌🏾❤️😇