Ne, ovo nije klasična novogodišnja i božićna žurka! I ne, ovde vam ne želimo zdravlja sreće para veselja i pre svega uspeha! Ne, ovde ne kitimo novogodišnju jelku i ne čekamo paketiće od Deda Mraza jer uopšte nismo bili dobri prethodne godine.
Dosta nam je prazničnog raspoloženja, božićnih sniženja i „All I want for Christmas is you“ melodija! I ne, nećemo dočekati najradosnije praznike u krugu porodice jer ćemo ih proslaviti u KC Gradu!
Dario Mexa i Žiška spremaju najnamrgođeniji set za sve one koji su još uvek mamurni od Nove Godine, a koji planiraju da ukradu ne samo Božić, već i par dana pre Božića!
Dress code je i dalje isti: obucite ono u čemu se osećate najbolje dok đuskate!
Ulaz: free – jer smo ukrali praznike i dali ih vama za DŽ :)No, this is not a classic New Year’s and Christmas party! And no, here we do not want health for the happiness of couples and above all success! No, we do not eat New Year’s Christmas tree here and we do not wait for the packages from Santa Claus, because we were not good at the previous year.
We have a lot of festive moods, Christmas sessions and „All I Want for Christmas is you“ melody! And no, we will not welcome the most joyous holidays in the family circle because we will celebrate them in KC Grad!
Dario Mexa and Žiška prepare the most endearing set for all those who are still hanging from the New Year, who are planning to steal not only Christmas, but also a few days before Christmas!
Dress code is still the same: dress what you feel best when you sneeze!
Entrance: free – because we stole the holidays and gave it to you for free 🙂