HUMUS VEČE uz poznatog izraelskog gastronoma Gila Hovava 13.12.2017. KC Grad
13. decembra sa početkom od 19h svetski poznati kulinarski mag Gil Hovav iz Izraela održaće neobično predavanje o najpoznatijem izraelskom tradicionalnom specijalitetu – humusu. Ovo će biti jedinstvena prilika da se svim čulima upoznate sa istorijom ovog bliskoistočnog specijaliteta. Kroz mini kulinarski vremeplov imaćete priliku da saznate više o istorijskim korenima ovog ukusnog namaza od leblebija, ali i da degustirate humus koji je za ovu priliku pripremio Gil Hovav lično.
Gil Hovav (1962) je vodeći izraelski gastronomski novinar i poznato TV lice. Potiče iz jedne od najcenjenijih jevrejskih porodica. Sam Gil je istaknutom karijerom u sferi novinarstva, izdavaštva, televizije i kao autor, odigrao značajnu ulogu u oživljavanju izraelske kuhinje i promenama koje su se poslednjih godine desile u Izraelu, transformišući zemlju koja se oslanjala na osnovnu, tradicionalnu hranu u „gurmansku naciju“.
Gil je kao 24-godišnjak počeo karijeru kritičara hrane u restoranima, da bi nastavio kao urednik vodećih novina i kao producent i voditelj najgledanijih televizijskih emisija o hrani i kulinarstvu. Objavio je i tri bestselera, romane koji se svaki na svoj način bave bogatom istorijom njegove porodice, otkrivajući uz sjajan humor i emocije Jerusalim njegovog detinjstva koji više ne postoji. Njegov četvrti roman „Dvadesetčetiri vrata“ objavljen je u aprilu 2015. godine i vrlo brzo se našao na vrhu nacionalne bestseler liste.
Trenutno, Gil je okupiran radom u svojoj produkcijskoj i izdavačkoj kući „Toad Communications“ i vođenjem radio emisije o restoranima u Izraelu. U okviru poslednjih dvadeset epizoda njegove televizijske emisije „Hrana za um“ intervjuisao je dobitnike Nobelove nagrade, uključujući Džona Neša, Elija Vizela, Danijela Kanemana, Erika Kandela i mnoge druge.
HUMUS EVENING with the famous Israeli gastronor Gill Hovav December 13, CC City
On December 13th at 7 PM the world known culinary genius Gil Hovav from Israel will be holding an unusual lecture about Israeli most famous traditional delicacy – hummus. This will be the unique opportunity to experience the history of this Middle East delight with all your senses. Through mini culinary time machine you will get to know more about the roots of this delicious chickpeas dip while also tasting the humus prepared by Gil Hovav personally.
Gil Hovav (1962), Israel’s leading culinary journalist and television personality, comes from one of the most respected lineages in the Jewish world. Gil himself, with his illustrious career in journalism, publishing, television and as an author, has played a major role in the revival of Israeli cuisine and the change Israel has undergone in recent years, from a country of basic traditional foods into a „gourmet nation“.
Gil began his career as a restaurant critic at the age of 24, moved on to become an editor in Israel’s leading newspaper, and was involved in the creation, as producer and presenter, in some of Israel’s most viewed and loved television cooking and food shows.
As an author, Gil has published three best-selling novels, all related in different ways, to his family’s colorful history, exposing with humor and emotion a Jerusalem of his childhood that no longer exists. The fourth, titled ‘Twenty Four Doors’, was published in April 2015 and hit the top of the national bestseller list.
Nowadays, Gil is busy with his publishing and production company – Toad Communications and with his weekly radio show about restaurants in Israel. His latest 20 episode tv series, ‘Food for Thought’ included 20 interviews with Nobel laureates, including John Nash, Elie Wiesel, Daniel Kahneman, Eric Kandel and many others.