Hurleur / Switch 02.01.2018 JAZZ BAR Centar

Hurleur / Switch 02.01.2018 JAZZ BAR Centar
Knez Mihailova 6, Beograd

Hurleur pravi reprizu reprize u srcu grada! Ulaz na dogadjaj je besplatan!
A podrska je bend Switch!

Hurleur je energična (pank) rok četvorka potekla iz Negotina, a trenutno stacionirana u Beogradu. Bend je oformljen 2012. godine i od tad funkcioniše u manje više istom sastavu.

Iako po godinama mladi, ova četvorka se može pohvaliti pozamašnim iskustvom, sa nastupima na Belgrade Beer Fest-u, Exit-u, Arsenal Fest-u, Zaječarskoj Gitarijadi, kao i na još mnogo festivala i sa velikim brojem klupskih svirki. Imali su i par zapaženih nastupa u Bugarskoj, na kojima su stekli veliki broj poštovaoca.

Na svoju muziku gledaju vrlo ozbiljno i kroz nju iskreno opisuju ono što im se dešava i kroz šta prolaze kao mladi u današnjem nevremenu. Svojim pesmama trude se da u vremenu maski i mračnog šarenila, slušaoce podstaknu i motivišu da razmisle svojom glavom i bez straha pokažu svoja osećanja, slabosti, kao i svoju najjaču stranu.

Od izdanja imaju demo album „CAI!“ koji je izbačen kao samizdat 2015. godine, dok krajem 2017. izlazi njihov prvenac pod nazivom „Ja!“.


Nismo očekivali da ćete skrolovati do ovde, pa da počnemo. Mi smo acid pop fusion jazz bend (šalimo se) iz Beograda. Svirali smo tu i tamo (pred širokim auditorijumom od naša dva dobra drugara iz vrtića), redovno imali probe i sad ćemo da oprašimo sa našom braćom iz Hurleur-a!!!Dugo smo iščekivali taj poziv, isto tako kao i da nas čuje neko osim naše rodbine, hah !! poyyHurleur makes a reprise in the heart of the city! Entry to the event is free!
And the support is the bend Switch!

Hurleur is an energetic (Punk) rock quartet originating from Negotin, and currently stationed in Belgrade. The band was formed in 2012 and has since functioned in more or less the same composition.

Although young in age, these four can boast extensive experience, with performances at Belgrade Beer Fest, Exit, Arsenal Fest, Zaječar Guitar, as well as at many other festivals and with a large number of club gigs. They also had a few noteworthy performances in Bulgaria, where they gained a large number of devotees.

They look at their music very seriously and through it they sincerely describe what is happening to them and through what they pass as young people in today’s storm. With their songs they try to, during the time of the mask and the dark color, instill the listeners and motivate them to think with their heads and show their feelings, weaknesses, as well as their strongest side without fear.

They have a demo album „CAI!“ which was released as a self-publishing in 2015, while at the end of 2017 their debut album „Ja!“ is released.


We did not expect you to scroll to here, so let’s start. We are the acid pop fusion jazz band (we are joking) from Belgrade. We played here and there (before the wide auditorium of our two good friends from the kindergarten), we had regular rehearsals and now we will poll with our brothers from Hurleur !!! We long awaited this call, as well as to hear us except our relatives, huh !! poyy


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