SUBOTA 07.04.• VRATA 20:00 • POČETAK 20:30 • KRAJ 22:45 • UPAD 35 KN
Indie emo naočale gig!
Nakon umalo fatalne nesreće koju je rukovodstvo ovog koncertnog branda doživjelo prije recentnog nastupa grupa Meat Wave i Wives, Indie emo naočale se vraćaju, možda ne jače no ikad, ali i dalje prilično jake. Za pučanstvo gladno nezavisnog rocka smo ovom zgodom pripremili koncertno događanje s dva strana i jednim lokalnim glazbenim subjektom, a oni su sljedeći:
Walter Etc. (SAD)
Davne 2009. postojao je bend za koji niste čuli, a taj se bend zvao Walter Mitty & His Makeshift Orchestra. U godinama koje su uslijedile, svirajući krhki folk punk u stilu AJJ i Defiance, Ohio, momci su cijeli SAD prošli uzduž i poprijeko, snimili četiri albuma i, unatoč skromnosti te nesklonosti samopromociji, uspjeli steći povelik broj fanova. Kako nakon svakog vrhunca slijedi pad, tako su neki od članova zaglibili u mračnom ponoru zlouporabe opojnih sredstava i/ili narušenog mentalnog zdravlja a bend je otišao na trajnu pauzu.
No, svega godinu-dvije kasnije, Walter, koji se u stvarnom životu zove Dustin Hayes, otpuhuje prašinu s gitare, okuplja novu/staru ekipu i pod imenom Walter Etc. snima EP „Always Leaving“, zajedničko izdanje s grupom Diners te izvrstan LP „Gloom Cruise“, koji je producirao naš prijatelj Jeff Rosenstock.
Da ne duljimo, ako volite prozračan nezavisni rock ala Pavement, Frankie Cosmos ili neki-od-onih bendova-koji-sviraju-ukule
Crush (Austrija)
Prošle smo godine već imali čast i zadovoljstvo ugostiti ovaj sjajan kvintet iz Graza, grada koji je doživio ekonomski krah nakon što su izvjesni švedski trgovački lanci otvorili podružnice u Hrvatskoj i time okončali dugu tradiciju shopping izleta, jedne od okosnica tamošnjeg gospodarstva.
Ipak, unatoč niskom životnom standardu, sumornoj svakodnevici i sveopćem beznađu koje danas vlada u Grazu, ovi dragi ljudi i dalje vjeruju u bolje sutra te neumorno nastavljaju svirati i raditi nove bendove! Na zagrebačkim smo ih pozornicama već vidjeli u sastavima poput Liberation Service, Remedy, Portoroš i Catholic Guilt, dočim udruženi u Crush sviraju izvanredan dream pop na tragu Alvvays, a pod utjecajem Cocteau Twinsa, R.E.M.-a, The Curea i dobrih starih Dinosaur Jr.
Na prvom zagrebačkom koncertu ih je gledalo cca. desetero prijatelja Uprave Indie emo naočala i svih desetero prijatelja je bilo apsolutno oduševljeno, stoga se nadamo da će njihovom nastupu ovog puta svjedočiti znatno više ljudi jer Crush to zaista zaslužuju!
Weather Pains (Agram)
Novi bend članova Benchwarmersa, Silka/nikad prežaljenih pleterničkih Loonaticsa te jednog zadarskog benda čiju je stvar navodno obradio Toni Cetinski.
Kao što ste možda naslutili, i dalje se njeguje nasljeđe nezavisnog rocka devedesetih, a J Mascis, Evan Dando, Mac McCaughan, a možda i Rivers Cuomo bi se vjerojatno složili da dečki uopće nisu loši i da će uz malo vježbe biti nešto od njih. Prvi koncert, nadajmo se ne i zadnji.
Saznaj više o programu Močvare: 07.04 • DOOR 20:00 • START 20:30 • END 22:45 • UPDATE 35 KN
Indie emo naočale gig!
After almost a fatal accident that the management of this concert brand experienced before the recent performance of the Meat Wave and Wives, Indie emo glasses are coming back, maybe not stronger but ever, but still quite strong. For the populace of the gloomy independent rock, we have prepared a concert with two sides and one local music subject with this hand, and they are:
Walter Etc. (SAD)
In 2009, there was a band you did not hear, and that band called Walter Mitty & His Makeshift Orchestra. In the years that followed, playing the fragile folk punk in AJJ and Defiance, Ohio, the guys all over the United States went along and across, recorded four albums and, despite the modesty and self-promotion, managed to gain the number of fans. Since after each peak there is a decline, so some of the members are shaken in the dark abyss of narcotics abuse and / or disturbed mental health, and the band went on a permanent break.
But just a year or two later, Walter, who in real life called Dustin Hayes, throws up dust on guitar, gathers a new / old team named Walter Etc. recording EP „Always Leaving“, a joint release with the Diners group and an excellent LP „Gloom Cruise“ produced by our friend Jeff Rosenstock.
Not to be long, if you love the fanciful Independent Rock Ala Pavement, Frankie Cosmos or some of those bands-playing-ukulele-in-caves-by-the-beach, Walter Etc. you will love it without any doubt, after the concert you will stay with your friends in the circle and be excited to comment and maybe buy a shirt or a plate!
Crush (Austrija)
Last year, we had the honor and the pleasure to host this great quintet from Graz, a city that had an economic edge after a number of Swedish merchant chains opened branches in Croatia and ended the long tradition of shopping trips, one of the cornerstones of the economy there.
Despite the low standard of living, the dreary everyday life and the universal absence that today governs in Graz, these dear people continue to believe in a better tomorrow and continue tirelessly playing and working on new bands! We’ve seen them on the stage in Liberty Service, Remedy, Portoroš, and Catholic Guilt, as they join in Crush playing an awesome pop adventure on Alvvays, under the influence of Cocteau Twin, R.E.M., The Curea and the good old Dinosaur Jr.
At the first concert in Zagreb, they watched them approx. ten of our Indie Emo eyewear friends and all ten friends were absolutely delighted, so we hope that more people will witness their show this time because Crush really deserves!
Weather Pains (Agram)
New band of members of Benchwarmers, Silka / the never-before-lonely wicked Loonists and a Zadar band whose allegedly was allegedly dealt with by Toni Cetinski.
As you might have guessed, the legacy of independent rock of the 1990s continues to nurture, and J Mascis, Evan Dando, Mac McCaughan, and possibly Rivers Cuomo would probably agree that the guys are not at all bad and that with some exercise they will be some of them. The first concert, let’s hope not the last.
Find out more about the Moorage program: