Dobrodošli na INmusic festival #12 – 19-21. 6. 2017.
Jarun, Zagreb
INmusic festival je najveći open air festival u Hrvatskoj, a održava se jednom godišnje na jarunskom Otoku hrvatske mladeži u Zagrebu. U jedanaest godina postojanja INmusic festival prerasta u vrhunski glazbeni događaj i upisuje se na kartu ponajboljih europskih glazbenih festivala na otvorenom. Postaje i međunarodno priznat festival – britanski dnevnik The Times uvrštava ga na listu dvadeset najboljih europskih ljetnih festivala 2008. i 2009. godine, kada biva i nominiran za „The European Festival Awards“ u konkurenciji s najvažnijim europskim festivalima. Od tada je INmusic festival primio velika priznanja poput onog National Geographic Travelera koji je uvrstio INmusic među 3 svjetska festivala koja treba posjetiti ili američkog Huffington posta koji ga je uvrstio među 10 svjetskih festivala koje treba posjetiti, a isto su učinili i putnički portali poput GlobalGrasshoppera i TravelFreaka. Prošlih godina to je učinio i CNN uvrstivši INmusic dvije godine za redom među 50 najboljih festivala u svijetu te britanski BBC koji je objavio odličnu recenziju INmusic festivala. Ako se prisjetimo samo nekih od headlinera koji su protutnjali glavnom pozornicom INmusica proteklih godina jasno je i zašto se INmusic upisao na kartu festivala koje treba posjetiti: Florence + The Machine, PJ Harvey, The Black Keys, Pixies, Arctic Monkeys, New Order, Mando Diao, Placebo, Franz Ferdinand, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, Rudimental, Moby, Lily Allen, Iggy & The Stooges, Flaming Lips, Kraftwerk, Billy Idol, Massive Attack, Morcheeba, Arcade Fire, The Prodigy, Alice in Chains, Jamiroquai, Cypress Hill, Sonic Youth…i mnogi drugi.
Uz glazbeni program, INmusic festival nudi i kamp za posjetitelje koji se nalazi na dva otoka Velikog jezera; Otoku Univerzijada i Trešnjevka. Osim toga, INmusic nudi organizirane izlete na atraktivna odredišta u Hrvatskoj. Festival nastavlja širiti gastronomsku ponudu i uključuje i razne edukativne sadržaje te predstavljanje nevladinih udruga
Od 2016. festivalska lokacija bogatija je za jedinstveni sadržaj – prvu svjetsku repliku Teslinog tornja visoku 30 metara. INmusicova replika Teslinog tornja spaja znanost, kulturu, umjetnost i obrazovanje, a za vrijeme INmusic festivala funkcionira kao posebna posebna audio-vizualna pozornica!
Welcome to the INmusic festival #12 – June 19th – 21st 2017
Jarun Lake, Zagreb
Festival is located on three beautiful islands of lake Jarun; Isle of Youth, Trešnjevka Island and Univerzijada Island, of which two are reserved for campers what has been proven as a unforgettable experience. INmusic is hailed as one of the best festivals in Europe and features performances by numerous music legends from around the globe. Just to mention some of these: Florence + The Machine, PJ Harvey, The Black Keys, Pixies, Arctic Monkeys, New Order, Mando Diao, Placebo, Franz Ferdinand, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, Rudimental, Moby, Lily Allen, Iggy & The Stooges, Flaming Lips, Kraftwerk, Billy Idol, Massive Attack, Morcheeba, Arcade Fire, The Prodigy, Alice in Chains, Jamiroquai, Cypress Hill, Sonic Youth…and many many more.
INmusic festival camp is located on two islands – Trešnjevka and Univerzijada. The camping facilities include services like hot showers, free WiFi and charging stations for electronic devices, storage for personal items. Since the camp is located at the island in the middle of the lake, visitors can enjoy, swimming and sports like volleyball, soccer, rollerblading, cycling, table tennis, mini golf and many more. There are also additional programs like yoga sessions or various workshops, and all visitors have the opportunity to go on organized trips to attractive destinations like world famous Plitvice lakes or kayaking on rivers Mrežnica and Una. The ones curious about Zagreb’s history can enjoy a city tour and get familiarized with the heart and the soul of the city.
Since 2016. festival location has one more attraction – 30 meters highs and first world’s replica of Tesla tower. Tower replica combines science, culture, arts and education adn during INmusic Festivals it turns into special audio-visual stage!
Come and find out why is INmusic called “Europes best kept secret“ (NME)!