Salon Muzeja savremene umetnosti (Pariska 14)
19. januar – 19. mart 2018.
Otvaranje izložbe u petak, 19. januara u 19 časova
Kustos: Una Popović
Radno vreme: od 12 do 20 časova, osim utorkom
Ulaz slobodan
Site-specific intervencija Irene Kelečević pod nazivom „Gde je moje mesto“ bavi se istraživanjem identiteta prostora vezanim za zgradu u kojoj je smešten Salon Muzeja savremene umetnosti u Pariskoj ulici, broj 14. Stambena zgrada s izložbenom galerijom u prizemlju, delo arhitekte Miroslava – Mirka Jovanovića, nazvana je i „zgradom umetnika“ (Goran V. Anđelković) s obzirom na to da je sagrađena za potrebe stanovanja, muzičkog studija, slikarskih ateljea i izlagačkog predstavljanja eminentnih umetnika s polovine 20. veka.
Ovakva koncepcija stambeno-izlagačkog prostora, koji se gradio od 1956. do 1960. godine kao hrabro i inovativno rešenje u to vreme, omogućila je Salonu Moderne galerije (kasnije Salonu Muzeja savremene umetnosti) poziciju relevantnog mesta kao pokretača ali i jednog od svedoka decenijskih društvenih, ekonomskih i pre svega kulturoloških promena Beograda.
Rad „Gde je moje mesto“ sastoji se od nekoliko segmenata: crteža u prostoru, uramljenih crteža i kolaža, intervencije od starog mobilijara koji transformiše prostor u neku formu mizanscena, i fotografija. U ulozi prostornog pripovedača, više nego samom arhitekturom i životom zgrade, umetnica se bavi značenjskim identitetom mesta, simbolikom onoga šta je mesto nekada bilo i šta je ono danas. Polazeći od osnovnih činjenica vezanih za lokaciju, bez većeg saznanja o ljudima, identitetima, prostorima, pričama ona u izgradnju identiteta mesta kreće obrnutom metodom. Postavljajući sebe kao ključnog aktera, onoga što otkriva, postavlja pitanje u prvom licu („Gde je moje mesto“), pokreće intervenciju koja stoji između činjenica i imaginacije, otkrovenja i istoriografije. Vraćajući se na primarnu funkciju lokacije u Pariskoj 14 – stambene zgrade sa ateljeima, višedecenijskog izlagačkog prostora – umetnica postavlja pitanje koje u srži postaje osnova delanja, odnosno razmatranja ličnog umetničkog identiteta, sada i ovde.
Irena Kelečević (1975) diplomirala je i magistrirala na Fakultetu likovnih umetnosti u Beogradu, gde trenutno završava doktorske studije. U svom radu istražuje lični prostor i njegove veze sa javnim prostorom, koji nije definisan samo tradicionalnom arhitekturom već se pojavljuje kao produkt društvene prakse, budući da je korišćen, okupiran i transformisan svakodnevnim aktivnostima.
Od 2003. godine izlaže u Srbiji i inostranstvu. Realizovala je više projekata u galerijskom i javnom prostoru, i to u okviru BELEF-a, Oktobarskog salona, Memorijala Nadežda Petrović, Kuenka (Cuenca) Bijenala u Ekvadoru i u saradnji sa Domom omladine Beograda, Domom kulture Studentski grad, MKM, galerijom Zvono, Remont, Prodajnom galerijom Beograd, Muzejom savremene umetnosti, Umetničkom galerijom Nadežda Petrović u Čačku, Narodnim muzejom u Kraljevu, Kulturnim centrom u Požegi, Štaturm galerijom (Stadtturmgalerie) u Inzbruku, Austrija, Galerijom Kalifija (Califia) u Češkoj Republici, itd.Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art (Pariska 14)
January 19 – March 19, 2018
Opening of the exhibition on Friday, January 19 at 7 pm
Curator: Una Popovic
Working hours: from 12 to 20 hours, except Tuesdays
Free entry
Site-specific intervention Irene Kelečević titled „Where Is My Place“ deals with the research of the identity of the space related to the building where the Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art is located in Paris Street, number 14. Residential building with an exhibition gallery on the ground floor, the work of the architect Miroslav-Mirko Jovanovic, is also called „the artist’s building“ (Goran V. Anđelković), since it was built for the needs of housing, music studies, painting studios and exhibitions of eminent artists from the mid-20th century.
This concept of housing and exhibition space, built from 1956 to 1960 as a bold and innovative solution at that time, enabled the Moderna galerija Salon (later the Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art) to become the position of a relevant place as a driving force but also one of the witnesses of the decennial social , economic and, above all, cultural changes in Belgrade.
The work „Where is my place“ consists of several segments: drawings in space, framed drawings and collages, interventions from an old cellar that transforms space into a form of mizan, and photographs. In the role of a spatial narrator, more than the architecture itself and the life of the building, the artist deals with the significance of the city, the symbolism of what was once the place and what it is today. Starting from the basic facts related to the location, without knowing more about people, identities, spaces, stories, it moves in the construction of the identity of the city with a reverse method. Setting himself as a key player, revealing, sets the question in the first person („Where is my place“), launches an intervention that stands between facts and imagination, revelation, and historiography. Returning to the primary function of the location in the Paris 14 – residential building with studios, a multi-decade exhibition space – the artist raises the question of what becomes the basis of acting, that is, the consideration of personal artistic identity, now and here.
Irena Kelečević (1975) graduated and received a master’s degree at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, where she currently holds doctoral studies. In his work, he explores the personal space and its connections with the public space, which is not defined only by traditional architecture, but rather appears as a product of social practice, since it is used, occupied and transformed by everyday activities.
Since 2003 she has been exhibiting in Serbia and abroad. She has realized several projects in the gallery and public space, within BELEF, October Salon, Memorandum Nadezda Petrović, Kuenka (Cuenca) Biennial in Ecuador and in cooperation with the Youth Center of Belgrade, Student Center of Culture, MKM, Zvono Gallery, Remont , Belgrade Art Gallery, Museum of Contemporary Art, Art Gallery Nadezda Petrovic in Cacak, National Museum in Kraljevo, Cultural Center in Pozega, Štaturm Gallery (Stadtturmgalerie) in Innsbruck, Austria, Califia Gallery in the Czech Republic, etc.