Dočekajte Novu godinu u srcu Beograda u centru dešavanja – Hotel Slavija!
Osetite glamur banket sale hotela Slavija i sa prijateljima uđite u Novu godinu kako dolikuje.
U modernom ambijentu, uz iskusan tim ugostitelja koji će ispuniti sve vaše želje, sumirajte sve lepe trenutke koje ste doživeli tokom ove godine u novogodišnjoj noći.
Ljubitelji restoranskog dočeka, dobre hrane u prijatnoj atmosferi i dobre žive svirke, biće naši dragi gosti na Dočeku nove 2018.
Hotel Slavija nalazi se na istoimenom trgu, koji je od ove godine postao jedan od najlepših gradskih trgova, sa atrakcijama kao što je nova muzička fontana na Slaviji, novi simbol grada, koju morate videti ako dolazite u Beograd, na par metara je takođe nikao i hotel iz lanca Hilton, kao i predivan novi park, tako da definitivno je centar dešavanja ostao kod nas, zato dođite i budite deo novogodišnje atmosfere i euforije u centru Beograda.
Na par metara od ulaza u hotel nalazi se proširena javna garaža. Još jedna briga manje za one koji dolaze svojim vozilom.
Svi gosti na našem Dočeku nove godine moći će neograničeno da uživaju u gastronomskoj magiji koja će biti tu ispred vas na švedskom stolu kao i neograničenu konzumaciju širokog asortimana pića.
Izazov Bend & Ana Šarić
Kažu da 80%, da li ste zadovoljni ili niste organizacijom bilo kakve proslave, zavisi od odabira muzike, zato se mi sa time ne igramo, posao podizanja dobre atmosfere smo prepustili pravim profesionalcima koji će za vas mućkati lagani koktel stranih i domaćih evergrinova uz primese mediteranskih stvari a zatim poslužiti dobru dozu najboljih ex-yu pop rock hitova pa ćemo polako kroz noć uz zabavnjake doći i do narodnjaka, ali sve sa ukusom i dobrom selekcijom.
– Vodka
– Baileys
– Gyn
– Domaća rakija (šljivovica, loza, viljamovka kajsija..)
– Pelinkovac
– Šampanjac
– Vinjak
– Vermut
– Vino – Plantaže, Rubin, TIkveš (Crveno, belo, rose).
– Pivo – Lav i Jelen.
– Kokteli (Sex On The Beach, Blue lagune, Sky lite, Red frog).
– Bezalkoholna pića (Coca – Cola, Fanta, Bitter lemon, Tonic water, Orange juice, Jabuka, Breskva, Knjaz Miloš kisela voda, Kafa).
Bogat meni na bazi švedskog stola, koji će se dopunjavati tokom cele večeri:
Novogodišnji (hladni i topli bife sto)
Uključen i posni meni.
Hladna predjela:
Njeguška pršuta, užička goveđa pršuta, punjena šunka, selekcija kvalitetnih narezaka (zimska, budimska, kulen) selekcija sireva (gauda, trapist, feta gorgonzola, sir u maslinovom ulju), pileća salata Havaji, goveđa salata, ruska salata, hladan rozbif, Valdorf salata, salata od šampinjona.
Topla predjela:
Selekcija domaćih pita (zeljanica, sa sirom, pečurkama, grilovano povrće, pečurke na žaru, kaneloni sa sirom i šunkom)
Jela i pečenja:
– Dinstani sinjski frikando sa šampanj sosom
– Topao rozbif
– Rolovana svinjska plećka
– Punjeni njeguški svinjski file
– Pileće belo na žaru
– Medaljončići
– Ćevapi na kajmaku,
– Fileti od morske ribe
– Selekcija variva
Selekcija svežih salata: Grčka, Srpska, Zelena, Paradajz, Kupus, Mimoza.
Selekcija svežeg voća: voćna salata.
Selekcija domaćih kolača
Cena podrazumeva stolicu za svečanim stolom, neograničenu konzumaciju hrane na bazi švedskog stola i all inclusive paket pića. Svi stolovi su banket, ne držimo barske stolove ni visoka sedenja.
Imamo razne tipove i veličine stolova, pa će naši menadžeri biti u mogućnosti da izadju u susret vašim željama.
Besplatan internet će Vam sjajno poslužiti u ponoć kada su mobilne mreže preopterećene.
Čašom šampanjca nazdravite ulazak u Novu uspešnu 2018. godinu u centru dešavanja uz predivan pogled na praznično ukrašen centar grada i novogodišnji vatromet!
Kao svake godine za vas smo spremili razna iznenađenja (nagrade za najveseliji sto, za najlepši par, trubači itd.).
Kontakt: +381 61 48 48 47 7 (viber, whats app), +381 60 434 66 22 (viber, whats app).
Važna napomena! ! !
Mogućnost plaćanja iz inostranstva, kao i dostave karata brzom poštom širom Srbije!
Wait for the New Year in the heart of Belgrade in the center of events – Hotel Slavija!
Feel the glamour of the Hotel Slavija and enjoy the New Year’s Eve with friends.
In a modern environment, with an experienced team of caterers who will fulfill all your wishes, sum up all the nice moments that you have experienced during this year on New Year’s Eve.
Lovers of restaurant welcome, good food in a pleasant atmosphere and good live music!
Hotel Slavija is located in the square of the same name, which has since become one of the most beautiful city squares, with attractions such as the new music fountain on Slavija, the new symbol of the city, which you must see if you are coming to Belgrade, a hotel from the Hilton chain, as well as a beautiful new park, so definitely the center of events stayed with us, so come and be part of the New Year’s atmosphere and euphoria in the center of Belgrade.
A few meters from the entrance to the hotel is an extended public garage. Another concern is less for those who come with their vehicle.
All guests at our New Year’s Eve will be able to enjoy unlimited gastronomic magic that will be there in front of you at the buffet as well as unlimited consumption of a wide range of drinks.
Challenge Bend & Ana Šarić
New Year’s EveThey say that 80%, whether you are satisfied or not by organizing any kind of celebration, depends on the selection of music, so we do not play with it, we left the job of raising a good atmosphere to the right professionals who will shake for you a light cocktail of foreign and domestic evergreen Mediterranean things and then serve a good dose of the best ex-yu pop rock hits and we will slowly through the night with entertainers to come to the folk, but everything with taste and good selection.
A drink
– Vodka
– Baileys
– Gyn
– Domestic brandy (plum brandy, vine, apricot peach …)
– Pelinkovac
– Champagne
– Vinjak
– Vermouth
– Wine – Plantaže, Rubin, Tikves (Red, White, Rose).
– Beer – Leo and Jelen.
– Cocktails (Sex On The Beach, Blue Lagoons, Sky Lite, Red Frog).
– Soft drinks (Coca-Cola, Fanta, Bitter lemon, Tonic water, Orange juice, Apple, Peach, Knjaz Milos sour water, Coffee).
A rich menu on the basis of a Swedish table, which will be supplemented throughout the evening:
New Year’s (cold and warm buffet table)
On and off menu.
Cold appetizers:
Noodles prosciutto, raisin beef prosciutto, stuffed ham, selection of quality cold cuts (winter, budum, kulen) selection of cheeses (gauda, trapist, feta gorgonzola, cheese in olive oil), chicken salad Hawaii, beef salad, Russian salad, cold rosseau, Valdorf salad, mushroom salad.
Warm appetizers:
Selection of domestic pies (cheese, cheese, mushrooms, grilled vegetables, grilled mushrooms, cannelloni with cheese and ham)
Food and baking:
– Dinstani Sinj frikando with champagne sauce
– A warm rosybif
– Rolled pork shoulder
– Stuffed pork fillet
– Chicken white on the grill
– Medallions
– Cheese kajmak,
– Fishes from sea fish
– Selection of cheese
Selection of fresh salads: Greece, Serbian, Green, Tomato, Cabbage, Mimosa.
Selection of fresh fruit: fruit salad.
Selection of homemade cakes
The price
50 €
The price includes a table for a solemn table, unlimited consumption of buffet food and an all inclusive drink package. All tables are a banquet, we do not have bar tables or high seating.
We have different types and sizes of tables, so our managers will be able to meet your desires.
Free internet will serve you great at midnight when mobile networks are overloaded.
A glass of champagne toast to enter the new successful 2018 year in the center of the event with a beautiful view of the festively decorated city center and New Year’s fireworks!
As every year for you we have prepared various surprises (awards for the most desirable table, for the most beautiful couple, trumpets, etc.).
Contact: +381 61 48 48 47 7 (viber, whats app), +381 60 434 66 22 (viber, whats app).
Important note! ! !
Possibility to pay from abroad, as well as delivery of tickets by express mail all over Serbia!