Nakon predivnog decembarskog susreta klasičnih muzičara u okviru „Izvuci mene“ serije koncerata klasične muzike u inspirativnom prostoru Kulturnog centra LAB u Novom Sadu, odlučili smo da ponovimo okupljanje!
Pozivamo vas da nastupite i podelite ponešto iz svog bogatog repertoara sa publikom, kolegama i prijateljima. Želja nam je da pomerimo ustaljene norme slušanja klasične muzike, koncept „Izvuci mene“ koncerata nudi priliku kako profesionalcima, tako i amaterima da predstave svoj rad i ljubav prema klasičnoj muzici i dok se potiho radujemo narednom Piano city festivalu koji se krčka u svojoj pripremnoj fazi, eto prilike da se okupimo i uživamo u muzici koju volimo.
I zato:
Pozivamo ljubitelje klasične muzike i muzičare da u neformalnoj „salonskoj“ atmosferi sviraju, upoznaju i čuju jedni druge i podele sa publikom po neku zanimljivost o delima koje će izvesti. Više o samom konceptu možete saznati na našoj FB stranici (link)
Ukoliko i vi želite da učestvujete na ovom nestandardnom koncertu klasične muzike, pošaljete prijave na mail do nedelje 4. februara.
Prijava treba da sadrži:
• pun naziv kompozicije i kompozitora
• biografiju izvođača
• fotografiju
Vidimo se u nedelju 11. februara u 18h!After a wonderful December meeting of classical musicians in the „Pull me out“ series of concerts of classical music in the inspirational space of the Cultural Center LAB in Novi Sad, we decided to reunite!
We invite you to perform and share something from your rich repertoire with your audience, colleagues and friends. Our desire is to move the established standards of listening to classical music, the concept „Pull me out“ of the concert offers an opportunity for both professionals and amateurs to present their work and love for classical music and while we look forward to looking forward to the next Piano City festival that is shrinking in its preparatory phase , there’s a chance to get together and enjoy the music we love.
And that’s why:
We invite fans of classical music and musicians to play, inform and hear each other in an informal „salon“ atmosphere and share with the audience for some interest in the work that will be performed. You can find out more about the concept on our FB page (link)
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If you want to participate in this non-standard concert of classical music, you can send applications to by the 4th of February.
The application should contain:
• full name of composition and composer
• the artist’s biography
• a photo
I’ll see you on Sunday, February 11, at 6 pm!