Jazz(isfaction) with Sanja Markovic 26.01.2018.Kaste

Jazz(isfaction) with Sanja Markovic 26.01.2018.Kaste
Delegradska 4, Beograd

Sanja Markovic (kompozitor, dzez vokal, instrumentalista) rodjena u Zemunu, zivela je na istocnoj obali SAD. Master studije zavrsava na Fakultetu muzicke umetnosti u Beogradu. Komponuje i producira muziku za pozorista i razne zanrove, aranzira i za Big bend.

Kao dzez vokal (gitara, pandeiro) predvodi dzez sastav Brazilian Jazz Collective. Nastupala na Kolarcu, Domu omladine, Arlemm festivalu, KCSG, Trgu republike, brojnim dzez klubovima, Ulmu (Nemacka), Vossu (Norveska). Na ovogodisnjem Beogradskom dzez festivalu debituje sa svojim novim albumom „Ascension“.

Elektricni Klavir: Aleksandar Grujic
Vokal & Saksofon: Sanja Markovic

Sanja Markovic (composer, jazz vocalist, instrumentalist) born in Zemun, lived on the east coast of the United States and finally graduated from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. Sanja composes and produces music for theater and various genres, she also makes musical arrangements for the Big Band.

As a jazz vocalist (guitar, pandeiro) she leads the jazz composition of the Brazilian Jazz Collective. She has performed at Kolarac, Dom omladine, Arlemm festival, KCSG, Republic Square, numerous jazz clubs, Ulm (Germany), Vossu (Norway). At this year’s Belgrade Jazz Festival, she debuts with her new album „Ascension“.

Electric Piano: Aleksandar Grujic
Vocals & Saxophone: Sanja MarkovicSanja Markovic (composer, jazz vocal, instrumentalist) born in Zemun, lived on the east coast of the United States. He graduated at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. He composes and produces music for theater and various genres, arranges for Big Band.

As a jazz vocal (guitar, pandeiro) is led by the Jazz Composition of the Brazilian Jazz Collective. She performed at Kolarac, Dom omladine, Arlemm festival, KCSG, Republic Square, numerous jazz clubs, Ulm (Germany), Vossu (Norway). At this year’s Belgrade Jazz Festival she debuts with her new album „Ascension“.

Electric Piano: Aleksandar Grujic
Vocal & Saxophone: Sanja Markovic

Sanja Markovic (composer, jazz vocalist, instrumentalist) born in Zemun, lived on the eastern coast of the United States and finally graduated from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. Sanja composes and produces music for theater and various genres, she also makes musical arrangements for the Big Band.

As a jazz vocalist (guitar, pandeiro) she leads the jazz composition of the Brazilian Jazz Collective. She has performed at Kolarac, Dom omladine, Arlemm festival, KCSG, Republic Square, numerous jazz clubs, Ulm (Germany), Vossu (Norway). At this year’s Belgrade Jazz Festival, she debuts with her new album „Ascension“.

Electric Piano: Aleksandar Grujic
Vocals & Saxophone: Sanja Markovic


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