Kako Zappa Barka tezi da pravi drugacije stvari, resili smo da ovog 15. Decembra vratimo u vas recnik ono izumrlo pitanje – „Jel si u fazonu?“ prvom gay zurkom na ovoj lokaciji.🌈🌈🌈
Budite slobodni da se izdjuskate i celo vece odgovarate sa : „DA!“ ili „NE!“ u zavisnosti ko vam je to pitanje postavio. Slobodnu procenu ostavljamo vama 😂
U tome ce nam pomoci jedan od DJ rezidenata WB community-a :
Nita Dekanj
Muzika: EDM, POP, RnB
Ulaz : free
Garderoba obavezna : 100rsd
Rezervacije : 0691982286
*Zurka se odrzava u zimskom (donjem)
delu Zappa BarkeAs Zappa Bark is trying to do different things, we decided to return this word to you on December 15th, that extinct question – „Are you in the mood?“ the first gay party at this location
Be free to squeeze out and even answer the whole evening with „YES!“ or not!“ depending on who asked you this question. We leave free assessment to you 😂
We will be assisted by one of the DJ residents of the WB community:
Nita Dekanj
Music: EDM, POP, RnB
Entrance: free
Wardrobe required: 100rsd
Reservations: 0691982286
* Zurka is held in the winter (lower)
part of Zappa Barke