Kroz katakombe do vrha, pa niz Kozji grb! (od manastira Gornjak do banje Ždrelo)
Ovaj izlet je prava bombona za hladnije dane: atraktivna i kratka trasa, prelepi vidikovci i na kraju termalni bazen! Nemate naročitu kondiciju, ili ste bili? Ovoga puta, Ježevac će biti posve drugačije iskustvo, te ako ste već bili, trebali biste i sada, jer ćemo ići drugačijim stazama. Ko voli avanturistički žanr, UŽIVAĆE! Naime, sa drugarima iz PD „Gornjak“ ćemo od manastira proći tajnim tunelima koje je kopala vojska i za koje možete čuti mnogo mističnih priča od meštana. A sa vrha ćemo se spustiti okomitom stazom duž Kozjeg grba pravo na Mlavu!
Pogledajte ceo program na strani:
Akciju realizuje Gordana Atanasijević:
065 377 14 74, gordana@serbianoutdoor.comThrough the catacombs to the top, then through Goat hump! (from the monastery Gornjak to the spa Ždrelo)
This trip is a real candy for cooler days: an attractive and short route, beautiful viewpoints and at the end a thermal pool! You do not have a particular condition, or have you been? This time, Jezevac will be a completely different experience, and if you have already, you should also now, because we will go different tracks. Who loves the adventurous genre, LIVE! Namely, with friends from the PD „Gornjak“ we will pass from the monastery to the secret tunnels dug by the army and for which you can hear many mystical stories from the locals. And from the top we will descend along the vertical path along the Goat hump to the Mlava!
See the entire program on the page:
The action is realized by Gordana Atanasijević:
065 377 14 74,