Nakon Doček Nove godine u Poletu / GistroPop & Ljubičice / 31.12., nastavljamo žurku i u prvoj noći u 2018. godini za vas pripremamo kabare koncert beogradskog kantautora Ilije Ludviga!
I pesnik i umetnik, i zabavljač i muzičar, Ilija svira gitaru i peva, izražavajući se i kroz pesme i vizuelno, a stand-up nastupom tokom koncerta angažovan je u borbi protiv svih nepravdi ovog sveta pokazujući koliko mu je stalo do svakoga u auditorijumu. I Vudi Gatri i Skriming Džej Hokins i Bili Breg i Lu Rid, i Tusta i Arsen.
Karte po ceni od 200,00 dinara možete nabaviti i u pretprodaji, a rezervacije se obavljaju putem mejla, u inbox ili na telefone 063341230 i 0652410595.
Karte se prodaju u prostorijama galerije Polet, radnim danima od 16h do 00h i vikendom od 16h do 01h.
Ne propustite ovaj nesvakidašnji kabare koncert i požurite sa rezervacijama, broj mesta je ograničen!
Dobro nam došli!After the New Year’s Eve in Polet / GistroPop & Ljubičice / 31.12., We continue the party and in the first night of 2018 we prepare a cabaret concert of the Belgrade co-author Ilija Ludvig!
And the poet and artist, both entertainer and musician, Ilija plays guitar and singing, expressing himself through songs and visually, and a stand-up performance during a concert engagement in the fight against all the injustices of this world, showing how much he cares for everyone in the auditorium. And Woody Guthrie and Skreaming JJ Hookins and Billie Breg and Lou Reed, and Tusta and Arsen.
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You can also purchase tickets at a price of 200.00 dinars in advance, and reservations are made via email, inbox or on phones 063341230 and 0652410595.
Tickets are sold at the Polet gallery, on weekdays from 16h to 00h and on weekends from 16h to 01h.
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Do not miss this unusual cabaret concert and hurry up with reservations, the number of places is limited!