Kako je Jugoslavija osvojila svet 11.01.2018. Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Belgrado

Kako je Jugoslavija osvojila svet 11.01.2018.  Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Belgrado
Kneza Miloša 56, Beograd

Nakon više od godinu dana pošto smo krenuli sa radom na ovom projektu, sa radošću vas obaveštavamo da je knjiga “Kako je Jugoslavija osvojila svet“, autora Serđa Tavčara, puštena u prodaju.

Promocija knjige će biti organizovana 11.januara u svečanoj sali Italijanskog instituta za kulturu u Beogradu, sa početkom od 18h. Među govornicima će biti prisutni Serđo Tavčar, autor knjige, Dušan Babić, prevodilac, i Alessandro Gori, inicijator ovog projekta.

Knjiga “Kako je Jugoslavija osvojila svet“ predstavlja živopisnu ispovest Serđa Tavčara, sportskog novinara sa RTV Koper, o nastanku i razvoju Jugoslovenske košarke. Legendarni Dragan Kićanović u predgovoru knjige kaže: „Čitajući ovu knjigu, a iz svog ugla, tadašnjeg reprezentativca i sportiste – ne samo da sam se iznova podsetio tog dara od Boga da svojim šutom možeš da usrećiš gledaoce, zemljake, svoje drugare i saigrače, već mi je naročito zadovoljstvo da uvidim koliko je Serđo Tavčar spoznao, ali i sebe udenuo u mentalitet sportista balkanskog podneblja – naroda tople krvi. Ta srčanost je odlika svih pobednika i važna je, kako na terenu tako i u životu.“After more than a year since we started working on this project, we would be happy to inform you that the book „How Yugoslavia Has Won the World„, by Serđa Tavčar, has been released for sale.

Promotion of the book will be organized on January 11th in the ceremonial hall of the Italian Institute of Culture in Belgrade, starting from 6 pm. Among the speakers will be Sergio Tavcar, author of the book, Dusan Babic, translator, and Alessandro Gori, the initiator of this project.

The book „How Yugoslavia Won the World“ is a colorful confession by Sergio Tavcar, a sports journalist with RTV Koper, about the emergence and development of Yugoslav basketball. The legendary Dragan Kicanovic says in the preface of the book: „Reading this book, and from my own point of view, the then representative and athlete – I not only reminded myself again of this gift from God that you can make your spectators happy with your spectators, countrymen, your friends and teammates. I am especially pleased to see how Sergio Tavčar met, but he also put himself in the mentality of the athletes of the Balkan region – the people of warm blood. This heartbeat is a feature of all the winners and is important, both in the field and in life.


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