Kada je pre dve godine, Kragujevčanin, Dragan Jovović bio naš gost, sala našeg Kluba bila je premala za sve koji su želeli da čuju priču o njegovom podvigu. Događaj je zabeležila i ekipa SOS kanala. Mnogi su odustajali, jer je poduhvat teži od uspona na Everest. U sredu 24. januara imaćemo još jednom zadovoljstvo da čujemo priču o ovom, inače najvećem avanturističkom izazovu, a zašto je to tako, saznaćete iz prve ruke.
Ovo ne smete propustiti! Ulaz je slobodan, dobro nam došli!
NAPOMENA: predavanja i projekcije nisu komercijalni, ne postoje karte, niti se vrše ikakve rezervacije. Organizuje ih Klub aktivnih uživalaca prirode za svoje članove i planinare.When two years ago, Kragujevac, Dragan Jovovic was our guest, the hall of our Club was too small for everyone who wanted to hear the story of his venture. The event was also recorded by the SOS channel team. Many have quit because the venture is tougher than the rise to Everest. On Wednesday, January 24th, we will have another pleasure to hear the story of this, otherwise the greatest adventure challenge, and why this is so, you will find out first hand.
You must not miss this! The entrance is free, come to us well!
NOTE: lectures and projections are not commercial, there are no tickets, no reservations are made. It is organized by the Club of active nature lovers for its members and mountaineers.