Kali Fat Dub / Gipsy Mafia / DJ Killo Killo 29.12.2017. Fabrika

Kali Fat Dub / Gipsy Mafia / DJ Killo Killo  29.12.2017. Fabrika
Bulevar Despota Stefana 5, Novi Sad
Novi SadSrbija

Kali Fat Dub – Rap/Dub/Bass

Oni u mikrofon govore, zavijaju, mjauču, reže i prete! A pritom, tu pretnju podmazuju teškim basovima koji te, dok cure iz zvučnika jednostavno teraju da mrdaš dupetom. A dok tako mrdaš, odjednom počinješ da razmišljaš i to da razmišljaš subverzivno! Da, da!

Monoštorski Chakka Svraka i ljubljanski Haris Pilton su se dugo mimoilazili, ali kad su se sudarili došlo je do praska koji je iznedrio desetine zajebanih dub hip hop numera. Na scenu su pre par godina isplivali fenomenalnim albumom “Ringišpil iz Haada”, a trenutno gone i jašu “Nakot Azrielov”. Kako to rade zaista, saznaćeš samo ako se u pravom trenutku nacrtaš u Fabrici! Tu su jednom već bili, pa mu ovo dođe nešto kao povratak na mesto zločina.
Njihove albume možeš pronaći ovde: https://kalifatdub.bandcamp.com/

Gipsy Mafia – Political Rap

Svesni i besni, besni a srećni!? Da, može se i tako. Ovo je Ganci familija čije glavno oružje su reči. Reči oštre i britke ispucane iz sveg glasa na jako dobar način. Ova čerga je pregazila dobar deo tvrđave Evrope, a nakon punih godinu dana ponovo se vraćaju u jednu od svojih glavnih baza, Novi Sad. Nemaju nov album, ali imaju gomilu novih stvari koje jedva čekaju da nekako budu zabeležene, tako da su sveži. I više od toga!

Njihove albume možeš pronaći ovde: https://gipsymafia.bandcamp.com/

DJ Killo Killo – Pa neko mora biti domaćin ovako zajebanoj skupini, jer bi se u suprotnom, sigurni smo, sve otelo kontroli. Gazda Voja ovog puta ima zadatak da vas zagreje, a zatim i ohladi, kao se ne biste pregrejali u ovako ozbiljnom društvu. Umesto vatre i leda on koristi muziku koju je decenijama unazad sakupljao širom sveta.

SKCNS Fabrika
Petak, 29.decembar 2017.

Ulaznice se po pretprodajnoj ceni od 300 dinara mogu kupiti u CD Shop-u „Mungos“, u centru Novog Sada. Na dan koncerta ulaznice će biti skuplje!Kali Fat Dub – Rap / Dub / Bass

They speak, munch, mug, and cut into a microphone! And with that, they lubricate this threat with heavy basses that you, while the girls from the speaker simply make you move your ass. And as you move, suddenly you begin to think that you are thinking subversively! Yes Yes!

Chakka Svraka Monostor and Haris Pilton, Ljubljana, passed away a long time ago, but when they collided, there was a scratch that brought dozens of fucked dub dubpes into dubs. A couple of years ago, they spilled on the scene with the phenomenal album „Ringispil from Haad“, and now they go and ride „Nakot Azriel“. How do they really work, you’ll find out only if you draw at the right moment in Fabric! They’ve been there already, and this comes to him as a return to the crime scene.
You can find their albums here: https://kalifatdub.bandcamp.com/

Gipsy Mafia – Political Rap

Conscious and angry, angry and happy !? Yes, it can be. This is the Ganci family whose main weapons are words. The words sharp and shabby cracked from all the voices in a very good way. This crater has overtaken a large part of the fortress of Europe, and after a full year they return to one of their main bases, Novi Sad. They do not have a new album, but they have a bunch of new things that can hardly be expected to be recorded anyway, so they are fresh. And more than that!

You can find their albums here: https://gipsymafia.bandcamp.com/

DJ Killo Killo – So somebody has to be host to this fucked group, because otherwise, we’re sure, everything is gone. Boss Voja this time has the task of warming you, and then cool, as you would not overheat in such a serious society. Instead of fire and ice, he uses the music he has collected over the decades in the world.

SKCNS Factory
Friday, December 29, 2017

Tickets at the pre-sale price of 300 dinars can be purchased at CD Shop „Mungos“, in the center of Novi Sad. On the day of the concert tickets will be more expensive!


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