**** Blaywatch Doček 2018. god ****
Dočekajte Novu godinu na najpopularnijem klubu u Beogradu! Blaywatch više od 10 godina predstavlja sinonim za elitni noćni provod, a ove godine popularni Blaywatch je dodatno renoviran, opremljen najnovijim ozvučenjem, rasvetom i ostalim detaljima koji nikoga ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim.
U skladu sa vašim afinitetima možete rezervisati separe, visoko sedenje, barski sto, pult. Splav je ovalnog oblika, što daje mogućnost svim posetiocima da budu idealno pozicionirani, koje god mesto da rezervišu na splavu. Budite deo tradicije, osetite čari novogodišnjeg provoda na popularnom Blay-u.
– Katarina i Galliano bend (Fantastična grupa muzičara koji poseduju bogato iskustvo nastupajući dugo po beogradskim klubovima! !) – Hitovi zabavne i narodne muzike.
– DJ Luka (Komercijalni house hitovi, RnB Hitovi…)
U cenu ulaznice je uračunata neograničena konzumacija domaćih i stranih pića:
– Gin London dry
– Pivo
– Vodka
– Vino Belo, Crveno.
– Pelinkovac
– Vermut Bianco
– Nekoliko vrsta rakije (šljiva, kajsija, viljamovka, medovača…)
– Mix Pića: Džin tonic, đus vodka, borovnica vodka, biter vodka, kampari đus
– Gazirani sokovi (Coca Cola, Fanta, Biter, Tonic..)
– Negazirani sokovi (Next jabuka, pomorandđa, borovnica, ananas)
– Kokteli! Cele noći potpuno besplatno nekoliko vrsta koktela: Uživajte u novogodišnjoj noći uz Blue Lagoon, Tropical Heat, Cuba libre, Sex on the beach)
Bitne informacije:
Ostala strana pića će se prodavati po promotivnim sniženim cenama! Flaša Ballantines ili Johnnie Walker viskija, Smirnofa, Absolut vodke, Jegermaistera samo 2700 din, Jack Daniels 4000 din, pivo Heineken i Erdinger 159 din, Moet 6900 din.
– Svako visoko sedenje dobija 1 flašu stranog žestokog pića po izboru
– Svaka separe dobija 1 flašu stranog žestokog pića po izboru + 1 flašu domaćeg pića po izboru
– Svaki VIP separe separe i Kraljevski separe dobija 2 flaše stranog žestokog pića po izboru (Johnnie Walker, Ballantines, Smirnof, Tekila, Jegermaister..) ili 1 flašu Premium pića po izboru (Moet, Grey goose vodka, Chivas regal, Jack Daniels…) + 2 flaše domaćeg pića po izboru.
Nagradna Putovanja:
Da Nova godina ne prođe bez poklona, i ovog puta se pobrinuo generalni sponzor Blaywatcha, Party travel!. Spremili smo dve vrste poklon putovanja!
– Prvo, podelićemo preko 100 vaučera za besplatan smeštaj od tri noćenja (plaća se samo prevoz) za čuveni BIG Spring break u Umagu na hrvatskom primorju!
– Drugo, podelićemo i putovanja za evropske gradove (Veneciju, Prag, Beč). Besplatan i put i smeštaj!
Važna napomena! ! !
– Blaywatch je jedini splav u gradu koji poseduje profesionalno grejanje i potpuno je zatvoren, tako da za doček nove godine očekujte toplu novogodišnju atmosferu!
– Za organizaciju celokupnog dočeka zadužen je iskusan tim ljudi, koji se već godinama brine da splav Blaywatch nosi titulu najprestižnijeg splava u Beogradu! Potpuno renoviran splav Blaywatch je tu da Vas maksimalno ugosti i da se potpuno opustite i uživate
Želimo Vam Srećnu Novu godinu!
Blaywatch – No.1 disco water club in Belgrade
**** Blaywatch December 2018 ****
Wait for the New Year at the most popular club in Belgrade! Blaywatch has been synonymous with the elite night-time for more than 10 years, and this year’s popular Blaywatch has been further refurbished, equipped with the latest sound system, lighting and other details that leave no one indifferent.
In accordance with your affinities you can reserve seating, high seating, bar table, desk. The raft is an oval shape, which allows all visitors to be ideally positioned, wherever they can be booked on a raft. Be a part of the tradition, feel the magic of New Year’s Eve on the popular Blay.
Blaywatch – New Year’s Eve Beograd 2010
– Katarina and Galliano Band (Fantastic group of musicians who have a rich experience playing long after Belgrade clubs!) – hits of entertaining and folk music.
– DJ Luka (Commercial House Hits, RnB Hits …)
A drink
The ticket price includes unlimited consumption of domestic and foreign drinks:
– Gin London dry
– A beer
– Vodka
– White wine, Red.
– Pelinkovac
– Vermouth Bianco
– Several types of brandy (plum, apricot, milligram, honeybee …)
– Mix Beverages: gin tonic, vodka vodka, vodka blueberry, bitter vodka, campers juice
– Fried juices (Coca Cola, Fanta, Bitter, Tonic ..)
– Negated juices (Next apple, orange, blueberry, pineapple)
– Cocktails! All night long, completely free of several cocktails: Enjoy New Year’s Eve with Blue Lagoon, Tropical Heat, Cuba Libre, Sex on the beach)
Important information:
The other side of the drink will be sold at promotional discounted prices! Bottle Ballantines or Johnnie Walker whiskey, Smirnof, Absolute vodka, Jegermaister only 2700 din, Jack Daniels 4000 din, Heineken and Erdinger beer 159 din, Moet 6900 din.
– Every high seat gets 1 bottle of foreign hard drinks of your choice
– Each seater receives 1 bottle of foreign hard drinks of your choice + 1 bottle of local drinks as per your choice
– Each VIP separa seater and Royal Separ gets 2 bottles of foreign hard drinks of your choice (Johnnie Walker, Ballantines, Smirnof, Tekila, Jegermaister ..) or 1 Premium Premium Drinks bottle (Moet, Gray Goose Vodka, Chivas Regal, Jack Daniels. ..) + 2 bottles of homemade drinks of your choice.
The price
26 €
Prize Travel:
That New Year does not pass without gifts, and this time the general sponsor of Blaywatch, Party travel! We saved two kinds of gift vouchers!
– Firstly, we will distribute over 100 vouchers for free accommodation of three overnights (pay only for transportation) for the famous BIG spring break in Umag on the Croatian coast!
– Secondly, we will also share travel for European cities (Venice, Prague, Vienna). Free travel and accommodation!
Important note! ! !
– Blaywatch is the only raft in a city that has professional heating and it is completely closed, so expect a warm New Year’s atmosphere for the New Year’s Eve!
– For the organization of the entire welcome, an experienced team of people is in charge, who for years has been worried that the Blaywatch raft carries the title of the most prestigious raft in Belgrade! Completely renovated raft Blaywatch is there to give you maximum comfort and relax and enjoy
We wish you a Happy New Year!
Blaywatch – No.1 disco water club in Belgrade