Doček Nove Godine 2018 u klubu Kasina By Community i u hotelu Metropol Palace.
Ana Nikolić i Jelena Rozga nastupaće iste večeri u klubu Kasina By Community i u hotelu Metropol Palace u različito vreme
Klub Kasina By Community
Neograničena konzumacija domaćih alkoholnih i bezalkoholnih pića tokom cele večeri
-Community sto 60 eur po osobi (vidi na mapi, na mapi su community stolovi označeni sa zelenom bojom)
-Barski sto 60 eur po osobi (uz najmanje 4 kupljene karte. Vidi na mapi, na mapi su barski stolovi označeni sa tamnijom sivom bojom)
-Barski sto ispred bine 70 eur po osobi (uz najmanje 4 kupljene karte. Vidi na mapi, na mapi su barski stolovi ispred bine označeni sa žutom bojom)
-Visoko sedenje 70 eur po osobi (uz najmanje 4 kupljene karte. Vidi na mapi, na mapi su visoka sedenja označena sa svetlijom sivom bojom)
-Paket lux visoko sedenje 450 eur, u cenu je uračunato 4 karte i jedna flaša stranog žestokog pića po izboru (vidi na mapi, na mapi su lux visoka sedenje označena sa ljubičastom bojom)
-Paket mali separe 700 eur, u cenu je uračunato 6 karata i jedna premium flaša stranog žestokog pića po izboru (vidi na mapi, na mapi su mali separei označeni sa plavom bojom)
-Paket veliki separe 1000 eur, u cenu je uračunato 7 karata i dve premium flaše stranog žestokog pića po izboru (vidi na mapi, na mapi su veliki separei označeni sa crvenom bojom)
-Paket lux separe 1400 eur, u cenu je uračunato 10 karata i dve premium flaše stranog žestokog pića po izboru (vidi na mapi, na mapi su lux separei označeni sa roze bojom
Jedna flaša šampanjca na svakom stolu
Svečana novogodišnja večera na bazi švedskog stola inspirisana i kreirana od strane vrhunskog kulinarskog tima hotela Metropol Palace učiniće vam poseban užitak i neće vas ostaviti ravnodušnima
Restoranski sto 120 eur po osobi (plava zona) i 140 eur po osobi (roze zona). Vidi na mapi
New Year’s Eve 2018 in Club Kasina By Community and at the Metropol Palace Hotel.
Ana Nikolić and Jelena Rozga will perform the same evening at Kasina Club By Community and at the Metropol Palace Hotel at different times
Club Kasina By Community
Unlimited consumption of domestic alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages throughout the evening
-Community sto 60 eur per person (see map, on the map are community tables marked with green color)
– Bar table 60 eur per person (with at least 4 cards purchased. See on map, on the map, bar tables are marked with darker gray color)
-Bar table in front of the stage 70 eur per person (with at least 4 cards purchased. See the map, on the map, bar tables in front of the stage are marked with yellow color)
– High sitting 70 eur per person (with at least 4 cards purchased. See on map, high seating marked with brighter gray)
-Paket lux high seating 450 eur, the price includes 4 cards and one bottle of foreign hard drinks of your choice (see on map, on the map are lux high seating marked with purple color)
-Paket small separa 700 eur, the price includes 6 tickets and one premium bottle of foreign hard drinks of your choice (see on the map, on the map are small boars marked with blue color)
-Paket big separa 1000 eur, the price includes 7 tickets and two premium bottles of foreign hard drinks of your choice (see on the map, on the map, the large seater is marked with red color)
-Paket lux separe 1400 eur, in the price is included 10 tickets and two premium bottles of foreign hard drinks of your choice (see on map, on the map are lux separei marked with pink)
One bottle of champagne on each table
A grand New Year’s buffet dinner inspired by the supreme culinary team of the Metropol Palace hotel will make you special pleasure and will not leave you indifferent
Restaurant table 120 eur per person (blue zone) and 140 eur per person (pink zone). See the map