Doček Nove Godine 2018 u klubu Soul Society.
U klubu sa dušom se okuplja ekipa sa dušom!
Sa takvom ekipom je najlepše ući u Novu godinu.
Novogodišnja muzička podloga nikada nije bila kvalitetnija i bliža pravom old school zvuku. Legendarni Di Luna Blues Band će vas uvesti u novu 2018. opasnim zvukom!
U pitanju je neprikosnovena beogradska bluz grupa, koja godinama žari koncertne sale i klubove uz arsenal fantastičnih muzičara predvođeni Draganom Markovićem Maretom:
Goran Stojković Goxy – gitara, vokal
Nikola Marković – bas
Slobodan Negić – gitara
Joca Šatrić – bubnjevi
Ivan Aleksijević – klavir
Aleksandra Aleksijević – vokal
Cena karte koja uključuje piće dobrodošlice po izboru iz standardne ponude i apetisane – 1800 rsd
Rezervacije stolova:
Barski sto – 1000 rsd
Separei – 2000 rsd
Veliki sto – 3000 rsd
Stolica za pultom – 500 rsd
Pića se prodaju po redovnim cenama.
Karte će biti u prodaji od srede, 6.12. u klubu Novi Bitefartcafe, Mitropolita Petra 8, svakim radnim danom od 11-20h i u klubu Soul Society večerima kada je klub otvoren i ima program.
Informacije: 063.377.420
Club Soul Society NY2018 Di Luna Blues Band
A soul club is gathering a team with a soul!
With such a team it is best to enter the New Year.
New Year’s music background was never better and closer to the real old school sound. The legendary Di Luna Blues Band will introduce you to the new sound of 2018 with a dangerous sound!
It is an undisputed Belgrade blues group, which for years has been burning concerts and clubs with the arsenal of fantastic musicians led by Dragan Marković Maret:
Goran Stojkovic Goxy – guitar, vocals
Nikola Markovic – bass
Slobodan Negic – guitar
Joca Šatrić – drums
Ivan Aleksijevic – piano
Aleksandra Aleksijevic – vocals
A bid:
The price of the ticket which includes a welcome drink from the standard offer and appetizing – 1800 rsd
Table reservations:
Bar table – 1000 rsd
Separei – 2000 rsd
Big table – 3000 rsd
Table by counter – 500 rsd
Beverages are sold at regular prices.
Tickets will be on sale from Wednesday, 6.12. in club Novi Bitefartcafe, Mitropolita Petra 8, every working day from 11-20h and club Soul Society at night when the club is open and has a program.
Information: 063.377.420