Centar za promociju nauke vas sa zadovoljstvom poziva na medjunarodnu konferenciju art+science:makers.
Konferencija će se održati 14. novembra na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu.
Više od četrdeset umetnika, naučnika, mejkera i predstavnika uglednih organizacija i institucija, poput Ars elektronike iz Linca, univerziteta u Beču, Barseloni, Briselu i Bristolu, i najznačajnijih domaćih aktera, predstaviće nove uvide i inspirativne primere interdisciplinarne saradnje nauke i umetnosti. Pod kapom mejkers kulture razmatraće se sama priroda i raznovrsni modeli art+science kolaboracija, pitanje razvoja publike i brisanja granica među disciplinama, kao i integracija inovativnih i kreativnih praksi u formalne obrazovne procese.
Detaljan program konferencije možete pogledati na linku: http://www.cpn.rs/artandscience/en/program/
Učešće na konferenciji je besplatno i biće omogućeno isključivo na osnovu prijava i dobijene potvrde.
Prijave za konferenciju: http://science.mycpanel.rs/registration/
art+science:makers konferencija je integralni deo art+science:makers manifestacije koja će trajati od 13. novembra do 8. decembra na više lokacija u Beogradu – Mejkers spejs Centra za promociju nauke, Fakultet Dramskih Umetnosti, Galerija Instituta Servantes, Muzej Primenjene Umetnosti i Bitef teatar.
Više o art+science:makers manifestaciji saznajte na: www.cpn.rs/artandscience/
CONFERENCE art+science:makers
Center for the Promotion of Science cordially invites you to attend international conference art+science:makers
The conference will be held on 14th of November at Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade.
More than forty artists, scientists, makers and representatives of prominent organizations and institutions, including Ars Electronica from Linz, European universities (from Vienna, Barcelona, Brussels and Bristol), and the most influential local artists and scientists, will present new insights and inspiring examples of interdisciplinary cooperation between science and art. Under the “umbrella” of Maker Culture, the very essence and different models of art+science collaboration will be explored, as well as the issues of raising the audience’s awareness, removing the barriers between disciplines and incorporation of innovative and creative practices in formal educational processes.
The detailed program for the conference can be found on the following link:
Participation is free of charge and is subject to prior registration and confirmation.
To register for the conference please use the following link: http://science.mycpanel.rs/registration/
art+science:makers conference is a part of art+science:makers program that will be held from 13th of November to 8th of December in Belgrade on several locations: Makerspace – Center for the Promotion of Science, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Gallery of Cervantes Institute, Museum of Applied Arts and Bitef theatre.
To explore more about Art+Science+Makers program: www.cpn.rs/artandscience/