KONJIĆ GRBONJIĆ – Mariinsky Theatre St-Petersburg
Koreografija: Alexei Ratmansky
Dirigent: Valery Gergiev
Muzika: Rodion Shchedrin
Igrači: Alina Somova, Vladimir Shklyarov, Vladislav Shumakov, Anastasia Petushkova
Kostim: Mikael Melbye
Trajanje: 100 min
Balet u 2 čina po motivima ruske bajke o mladiću Ivanu koga za rešavanje velike misterije, car nagrađuje grbavim konjićem. Iako na prvi pogled nesrećna i nesposobna životinja, Grbonjić poseduje magične moći kojima pomaže Ivanu u raznim iskušenjima na koje ga tera oholi car.KONJIC GRBONJIC – Mariinsky Theater St-Petersburg
Choreography: Alexei Ratmansky
Conductor: Valery Gergiev
Music: Rodion Shchedrin
Players: Alina Somova, Vladimir Shklyarov, Vladislav Shumakov, Anastasia Petushkova
Costume: Mikael Melbye
Duration: 100 min
Ballet in 2 acts based on the motives of the Russian fairy tale about the young man Ivan who rewards hooded horses for solving a big mystery. Although at first glance an unhappy and incompetent animal, Grbonjic possesses magical powers that help Ivan in various temptations that the adversary feels about.