ČETVRTAK 25.1.2018. Kreši i Kisele Kiše & Officer Down @Vintage Industrial Bar I Vrata 20:00 h I Koncert 21:30 h I Karte 35/45 kn I Pretprodaja: VIB & Dirty Old Shop
U četvrtak 25. siječnja Vintage Industrial zaposjedaju riječke punk snage, obje struje aktivne već cca 10 godina. S naglaskom na rock, to su miljenici zagrebačke publike – Krešo i Kisele Kiše, a s naglaskom na ska, to je Officer Down. Rijeka invades Vintage Industrial! Osiguraj kartu na vrijeme!
Krešo i Kisele Kiše (možda/vjerojatno?!) 2007. godine oformljuju članovi demoliranog benda “Bjuti Centar”.
Glazba koju ova vesela skupina svira svrstava se u punk/rock, sa zafrkantskim tekstovima “iz naroda”. Većinu pjesama napisao je Krešimir Burić, dok se za aranžman pobrine cijeli bend.
2009. godine snimljen je album prvijenac „Još ti nije kasno“, te je izdan pod etiketom Fat Brek. Drugi album „Još ti nije jasno da ti nije kasno“ (također Fat Brek) snimljen je 2013. godine. Na albumu gostuju Shamso 69 (Brkovi), Kristina Radovčić (The Blondes, Šajeta), te Zoran Štajduhar Zoff (Grč). 2015. godine snimljeni su spotovi za pjesme „Uvijek“ i „Inače?!“. KKK iste godine nastupa na zagrebačkoj Šalati kao podrška Hladnom pivu, na proslavi njihovog 25. rođendana.
Treći album, “U potrazi za bijelim zecom“ (Fat Brek) izlazi u rujnu 2016. Snimljen je u studiju HRT- a, kao nagrada za pobjedu treće sezone festivala “HR demo klub”. U suradnji s Ri Teatrom snimljen je spot za najavni singl trećeg albuma “Veseli stroj“.
Bend je dosad odsvirao preko stotinu koncerata u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu, trenutno broji 7 članova, a datume budućih koncerata, kao i sve ostale informacije možete pratiti na službenoj facebook stranici www.facebook.com/
Riječki osmeročlani kolektiv nastao je 2006. godine, a od onda je kroz bend profiltriralo desetke glazbenika. Glazbeni opus benda Officer Down može se opisati kao dinamična mješavina ska/punk/reggae ritmova, ali bend se ne libi zalaziti i u različite druge pravce eksperimentirajući i tražeći svoj originalni zvuk.
Tijekom desetogodišnjeg staža bend je odsvirao stotinjak koncerata i nastupio na brojnim festivalima. Time se svrstao u vrlo malu skupinu riječkih bendova bez službenog izdavača koji su izrazito koncertno aktivni i prepoznati diljem zemlje i regije.
Do velikih promjena u zvuku Officera dolazi 2009. godine kad u bend dolaze novi gitarist, bubnjar i pjevačica, čime vođen bend odlučuje preraditi gotovo sve svoje postojeće pjesme. Kao rezultat toga, 2011. godine izlazi demo prvijenac pod nazivom „Fušeri uzvraćaju udarac“, a uskoro je snimljen i spot za pjesmu „Preferencija“. Iste godine brass sekcija dobiva pojačanje u vidu trombonista Petra Tepšića, koji svojom kreativnošću popunjava onaj zadnji kotačić koji je nedostajao.
Iduća značajna godina bila je 2013., kada bend nakon prolaska dvije polufinalne večeri ulazi u finale HR demo kluba koji je održan u zagrebačkoj Tvornici. Godinu dana kasnije, 2014., bend se našao i u finalu HGF festivala u Vintage Industrial Baru.
Više informacija o programu Vintage Industriala:
On Thursday, January 25, Vintage Industries occupy Rijeka punk power, both currents being active for about 10 years. With an emphasis on rock, these are the favorites of the Zagreb audience – Krešo and Kisele Kiše, with the emphasis on ska, that is Officer Down. Rijeka invades Vintage Industrial! Secure the ticket on time!
Krešo i Kisele Kiše (maybe / probably ?!) 2007 members of the demolished band „Bjuti Centar“.
The music that this cheerful group plays is part of punk / rock, with zafrkants „folk“ lyrics. Most songs were written by Krešimir Burić, while the whole band took care of the arrangement.
In 2009, the album was released „Not Yet late“ and was released under the label Fat Brek. The second album „You Do not Know It’s Not Tonight“ (also Fat Brek) was shot in 2013. Shamso 69 (Brkovi), Kristina Radovčić (The Blondes, Šajeta), and Zoran Štajduhar Zoff (Greece) are on the album. In 2015, the videos for the songs „Always“ and „In other words“ were recorded. The same year KKK performs at Zagreb’s Salat in support of Cold Beer, at the celebration of their 25th birthday.
The third album, „Looking for a White Bell“ (Fat Brek), is released in September 2016. It was shot in the HRT studio as a prize for the third season of the HR demo club. In co-operation with Ri Teatrom, a spot for the announcement of the third album „Veseli stroj“ was recorded.
Band has so far played over a hundred concerts in Croatia and abroad, currently has 7 members, and dates of future concerts, as well as all other information you can follow on the official facebook page of www.facebook.com/kresoikiselekise
The Rijeka Eighth Collective was formed in 2006, and since then, dozens of musicians have been profiled through the band. The musical opus band Officer Down can be described as a dynamic mix of ska / punk / reggae rhythms, but the band does not have to go in different directions by experimenting and searching for their original sound.
During ten years of experience, the band played back about a hundred concerts and performed at numerous festivals. This was a very small group of Rijeka bands without official publishers who were extremely concerts active and recognized across the country and the region.
The big changes to the sound of Officer will come in 2009 when a new guitarist, drummer and singer is coming to the band, making the band decide to process almost all their existing songs. As a result, in 2011, a demo debut called „The Fires Shuffle“ came out, and a spot for the song „Preferences“ was soon recorded. In the same year, the brass section gained strength as the trombonist Petar Tepšić, who with his creativity fills the last missing wheel.
The next significant year was 2013 when the band entered the final of the HR demo club at the Zagreb Tvornica after passing two semifinals. A year later, in 2014, the band also found themselves in the HGF Festival final at Vintage Industrial Bar.
More information about the Vintage Industrial Program: