PETAK, 15. DECEMBAR 2017. U 21:00
Ulaznice se mogu nabaviti na Blagajni DOB-a i svim prodajnim mestima Eventima, po ceni od 800 dinara.
METROPOLIS MUSIC s ponosom predstavlja koncert benda KRISTALI u petak 15. decembra od 21:00 u sali Amerikana Doma omladine Beograda, povodom reizdanja kultnog albuma „Dolina ljubavi“ (Metropolis Records 1997) koji slavi 20. rođendan! Bend će uživo izvesti kompletan album „Dolina ljubavi“ kao i hitove sa ostalih albuma.
Kristali nastupaju potpomognuti brojnim gostima i prijateljima. Nakon koncerta, publika će biti u prilici da se druži sa članovima benda, koji će potpisivati diskove, a koje će fanovi moći da nabave po promotivnoj ceni.
Ime grupe “Kristali” ne odnosi se ni na jedan kristal posebno. Članovi ovog sastava kažu da je ime optimistično, baš kao i njihova muzika i stav prema životu.
“Sve treba da bude jasno, nezamagljeno kao kristal koji je s jedne strane providan, a sa druge oštar i stabilan. Kako godine prolaze ovo ime nam sve više i više odgovara”, kažu oni.
Članovi benda su: Dejan Gvozden (vokal, gitara), Bojan Marjanović (gitara), Jovan Petrović (bubanj), Marko Orlović (bas gitara), Andreja Bucan (saksofon), Sava Matić (truba)CONCERT: KRISTALI
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2017 At 21:00
Tickets can be purchased at the DOB Treasury and all Eventim outlets at a price of 800 RSD.
METROPOLIS MUSIC is proud to present the concert of the KRISTALI band on Friday, December 15th, at 9:00 pm, in the hall of the American House of the Youth of Belgrade, on the occasion of the re-release of the cult album „The Valley of Love“ (Metropolis Records 1997) celebrating the 20th birthday! The band will perform live album „Dolina ljubavi“ as well as hits from other albums.
Crystals are assisted by numerous guests and friends. After the concert, the audience will be able to hang out with band members who will sign the discs, which fans will be able to buy at a promotional price.
The name of the group „Crystals“ does not apply to any single crystal in particular. Members of this composition say that the name is optimistic, just like their music and attitude towards life.
„Everything should be clear, unmagned as a crystal that is transparent on the one hand, and on the other hand sharp and stable. As the years go by, this name is more and more appropriate for us, „they say.
The members of the band are: Dejan Gvozden (vocals, guitar), Bojan Marjanovic (guitar), Jovan Petrovic (drum), Marko Orlovic (bass guitar), Andreja Bucan (saxophone), Sava Matic (trumpet)