Dve generalne probe su dovoljne da 2. januara konačno budete spremni zaKUD Sestre u Zaokretu. One imaju sve što vam treba za dobar provod – kostime, koreografije i najbolje plesne pokrete. Sa njima će se gibati i oni koji se do sada nisu usudili ni da vrcnu! Ujedno slave i 4. rodjendan, čiji datum šeta poput datuma verskih praznika, jer tada naši voljeni gastarbajteri dolaze u grad!Two general rehearsals are enough to finally be ready for the KUD Sisters in Zaokret on January 2nd. They have everything you need for a good time – costumes, choreographies and the best dance moves. They will also move with them, who have not so far dashed, or to yawn! At the same time is the celebration and 4th birthday, whose date is a walk like the date of religious holidays, because then our beloved gastarbajteri come to the city!
KUD Sestre 02.01.2018. Zaokret