Standardno nadmetanje najboljih beogradskih ekipa na kvizu Nedeljom u pabu Klopa i Pivo
Pobednička ekipa osvaja knjige Vulkan izdavaštva, medalje, i ceo ceh ide na račun kuće, dok ekipa koja osvoji Oblast večeri dobija dodatnu turu pića za celu ekipu. Osim ovih nagrada, najboljih 5 ekipa u ciklusu takođe osvaja nagrade, a više o tome možete videti na: http://
The winning team wins books publishing volcano, medals, and the whole guild goes to the account of the house, while the team that conquers the area of the evening receives an additional drinks tour for the whole team. In addition to these awards, the top 5 teams in the cycle also win awards, and more on this can be found at: The quiz subjects are: General Knowledge, Geography, Literature, Puzzle, History, Nightlife (which changes at every quiz), Sport, Film and Music. On film and music, teams watch and listen to inserts, where it’s usually their job to recognize which movie or song they are doing. The quiz starts at 07 pm and 03 pm, and you can log in with the inbox or on the number 069 / 1000-600. When registering, we need the name of your team, the number of members in it, and the name of the captain and his phone number. We are waiting for you 🙂