Lady Jelena And The Band 15.02.2018. Bar 20/44

Lady Jelena And The Band 15.02.2018. Bar 20/44
Skadarska 40b, Beograd

Jelena Petošević a.k.a. Lady Jelena se sasvim slučajno našla u svetu muzike, gde je rešila da ostane, jer je shvatila da rečima, glasom i muzikom može da nasmeje, rastuži, uzbudi i naljuti. Na njenom repertoaru se mogu čuti pesme iz crtanih filmova, neke obrade drugih muzičara, kao i njene nesvrstane pesme. Upadljiv kontrast njenom milozvučnom glasu i minimalističkim jazz-pop ritmovima, predstavljaju tekstovi koji obiluju seksualnim aluzijama, pošto na eksplicitan način tretiraju ljubav, odnosno intimu, parodirajući romantiku i žensko-muške odnose.

U bendu sviraju Aleksandar Dragutinovic Shekspir (bas), Andrej Martinovic (klavir), i Petar Zorkic Perkusije
Upad 300RSDJelena Petošević a.k.a. Lady Jelena has accidentally found herself in the world of music, where she decided to stay because she realized she could say, say, voice, and music to laugh, grow, excite and angry. In her repertoire, she can hear the lyrics from cartoons, some of the work of other musicians, as well as her non-classified songs. An intriguing contrast to her milky voice and minimalist jazz pop rhythms represent lyrics that abound with sexual allusions, as they explicitly treat love and intimacy, parodising romanticism and female-male relationships.

In the band are played by Aleksandar Dragutinovic Shekspir (bass), Andrej Martinovic (piano), and Petar Zorkic Perkusije
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