Po prvi put na Zappa Barci imacete priliku da plešete uz elektronsku muziku koju će izvoditi LIMINAL.
Za sada ovaj sastav iza sebe ima desetak događaja u Beogradu, a trenutno radi na novom ekperimentalnom albumu čiji izlazak se planira na proleće.
Ovaj događaj predstavlja početak tog rada.
Liminal čine antropolozi koji na ovaj način nastoje da ožive osećaje zajedništva i međusobne povezanosti koji su karakteristični za plemenska društva, a koji su u današnjem društvu iskidana.
Od muzike možete očekivati minimal tehno sa dugim melodičnim i egzotičnim zvucima.
ULAZ BESPLATANFor the first time at Zappa Ark you have the opportunity to dance with the electronic music that LIMINAL will play.
For now, this band has a dozen events in Belgrade and is currently working on a new experimental album whose release is scheduled for spring.
This event is the beginning of this work.
Liminal make up anthropologists who in this way try to live up to the feelings of communion and interrelationships that are characteristic of the tribal societies that have been fought in today’s society.
From music you can expect minimal techno with long melodious and exotic sounds.