U petak, 10. novembra u beogradskom Kc Grad zajednički koncert održaće Lira Vega i Sana Garić.
„Lira Vega” je rok bend koji postoji od kraja 20. veka, kada im je postava bila četvoročlana, ali je vremenom evoluirala u duet (Zoja Borovčanin i Vladimir Đorđević). Treći studijski album „Duhovi” izdali su 2015. godine. Bend iza sebe ima skoro dvodecenijsko iskustvo i „uprkos nevelikom broju izdanja, predstavlja trajnu vrednost domaće alternativne scene”. Dvojac na sceni izvodi pesme s aktuelnog albuma „Duhovi“, kao i najveće hitove s prethodna dva albuma u novim aranžmanima, s elektronskom matricom. Ovo će im biti prvi nastup na bini KC Grad od spektakularne „neobične promocije“ albuma „Duhovi“ u januaru 2016.godine, kada je preko 20 poznatih muzičara iz eminentnih beogradskih bendova izvelo svoje viđenje kompletnog albuma. U pripremi je DVD izdanje sa ovog koncerta,a u međuvremenu Lira Vega je izdala 3 nova video spota i održala niz koncerata po Srbiji, Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji kao i na raznim festivalima u regionu (Love Fest, Mixer, Escape, Sajeta, FreeDom Art, itd.). Prošle godine Lira Vega je svirala i na protestnom koncertu na Dan oslobođenja Beograda, na Trgu Republike.
Nakon zapaženih nastupa na poznatim festivalima kao što su
EXIT (Fusion stage) festival, Drimon Makedonija, Avant Music Festival (Moscow), Kvir_feminist_actziya (Vienna), Krüzer Medika (Zagreb), UHo, grlo, noise (Novi Sad), Sana Garić će sa bendom nastupiti u KC Grad-u u petak 10. novembra.
Beogradskoj publici će predstaviti pesme sa dugo očekivanog debitantskog albuma “Svet za nas”, koji je prvi u planiranom nizu albuma na kojima pesme nastaju improvizacijom i saradnjom sa
drugim muzičarima. Na ovom koncertu kao specijalni gost nastupiće Janja Lončar – klavijature.
Zajedno sa Sanom (vokal, klavijature) uživo nastupaju Pavle Popov (klavijature, gitara) i Feđa Tom Franklin (bubanj, perkusije). Na albumu “Svet za nas” gostovali su brojni ljudi sa muzičke scene: Dejan Vučetić (Darkwood dub), Dejan Stanisavljević (grupa Beograd), Vladimir Đorđević (Lira Vega), Andrijana Belović, Uroš Petković (Shazalakazoo), a album je producirao Radan Đorđević – Rahmanee. Ceo album „Svet za nas“ možete slušati na oficijalnom YouTube kanalu Sane Garić. Publika će upravo u KC Gradu mati priliku da čuje album u celosti, ali i dobro znane hitove grupe Xanax u novim elektro-synth aranžmanima.
Ulaznice za ovo veče će moći da se nabave u KC Grad-u od 15.10.
po pretprodajnoj ceni od 300 dinara do 1.11. i 400 dinara od 1.11. do 10.11. Na dan koncerta cena karata iznositi 600 dinara.Lira Vega and Sana Garic 10.11.2017. Kc Grad
LIra Vega is a rock band that exists since the end of 20th century when the band consisted of 4 members. Throughout the time they evolved into a duet (Zoja Borovčanin and Vladimir Đorđević). Their third album „Duhovi“ was released in 2015. Band has two decades of experience and in spite of few albums, they represent permanent value of Serbian alternative scene. The duo will be performing the songs from their current album „Duhovi“, as well as the greatest hits from the previous two albums in the new arrangements, with electronic matrices. This will be their first performance on KC GRAD scene after the spectacular and extraordinary promotion of the album „Duhovi“ in January 2016, when more than 20 famous musicians from the most famous Belgrade bands performed their interpretation of the entire album. The band is preparing a DVD edition about this concert and in the meanwhile Lira Vega released 3 new videos and held series of concerts all around Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia as well as on many regional festivals (Love Fest, MIxer, Escape, Sajeta, FreeDom Art etc.) Last year, Lira Vega performed on the concert for the Liberation Day in Belgrade on Republic Square.
After the great performances on famous festivals such as EXIT (Fusion stage) festival, Drimon Macedonia, Avant Music Festival (Moscow), Kvir_feminist_actziya (Vienna), Krüzer Medika (Zagreb), UHo, grlo, noise (Novi Sad), Sana Garić will perform in KC GRAD on Friday November 10th.
She will present songs from the long awaited debu album „Svet za nas“, which is the first in the planned series of albums on which the songs are created through improvisation and cooperation with other musicians. On this concert the special guest will be Janja Lončar (keyboard). Together with Sana (vocal, keyboard), Pavle Popov (keyboard, guitar), Feđa Tom Franklin (drums, percusions) will be also performing lice. On the album „Svet za nas“ numerous musicians also performed as guests: Dejan Vučetić (Darkwood dub), Dejan Stanisavljević (grupa Beograd), Vladimir Đorđević (Lira Vega), Andrijana Belović, Uroš Petković (Shazalakazoo), whereas Radan Đorđević Rahmanee produced the album. You can listen to the entire album „Svet za nas“ on the official YouTube chanel of Sana Garić. The audience will have the oportunity to listen the entire album live in Kc GRAD, but will also enjoy the well-known hits of the band Xanax in the new electro-synth arrangements.
Tickets for this night can be purchased in KC GRAD until November 1st on the pre-sale price of 300 rsd. The price of the tickets from November 1st until November 10th will be 400 rsd. On the day of the concert the ticket price will be 600 rsd