Stvaralaštvo Vilijama Šekspira
Autor izložbe: Rastko Marković
Jedan od najvećih dramskih pisaca ikad, bard iz Stratforda, renesansni pesnik, glumac i reditelј Vilijam Šekspir ostavio nam je u nasleđe neprevaziđene drame, komedije i sonete. Izvrstan poznavalac duše i jedan od najcitiranijih autora uči nas u svojim delima o lјubavi, čovečnosti i mnogim drugim lјudskim vrlinama. Nјegova dela pisana su u stihu, ali se mogu čitati kao najuzbudlјiviji romani, u kojima upoznajemo neponovlјive likove, poput Hamleta, lejdi Magbet, kralјa Lira, Koriolana i mnoge druge.LOVE IS BORN, LIVING AND DIE IN EYES
Creation of William Shakespeare
Author of the exhibition: Rastko Marković
One of the greatest dramatists ever, Stardford’s bard, Renaissance poet, actor and director William Shakespeare left us in the heritage of unprecedented drama, comedy and sonnets. An excellent connoisseur of the soul and one of the most highly-qualified authors teaches us in his works of love, humanity and many other virtues. His works are written in verse, but they can be read as the most exciting novels, in which we meet unforgettable characters, such as Hamlet, Magdebat, King Lir, Koriolan, and many others.